The website begins its article with reports from Ostrow Wielkopolski, where city hall employees From November 2023, they are inspecting septic tanks and domestic sewage treatment plants. They do this by making personal visits or sending calls to residents.

The City Hall of Ostrow Wilkopolski is legally required to keep records of septic tanks and domestic sewage treatment plants. Therefore, property owners who are not connected to the sewage network are asked to prepare appropriate contracts for liquid waste disposal, signed with entrepreneurs who have a permit to empty septic tanks and proof of payment for these services (bills, invoices). VAT) – notes Eliza Dembna, director of the Department of Waste Management and Environmental Protection, citing

These bills must confirm the legality of sewage disposal. In accordance with applicable regulations, owners or Users of septic tanks are obliged to empty them at least once a quarter. In the case of domestic sewage treatment plants, sludge must be removed in accordance with the operating instructions (at least once a year).

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Inspection of 10 million Poles

Similar inspections are conducted throughout Poland. All this because of the change in the water law that he passed Seim in 2022. It was he who introduced the improvement of the municipal wastewater treatment system through the monitoring and control of individual wastewater treatment systems. The ratings show it The inspection can cover up to 10 million poles that are not connected to the sewer network.

Statistical data are still not optimistic. According to information Central Statistics Office by 2022, In Poland, more than 90 percent of wastewater from septic tanks is released into the environment untreated. This is due to the disproportion between the water consumed by the population not connected to the sewage system (about 400 million cubic meters) and the amount of sewage delivered from their farms to the sewage treatment plant (about 30 million cubic meters). This is the result of many years of neglect – leaking septic tanks and lack of control over the legality of waste disposal. It's time to organize this area of ​​municipal management – explains Wojciech Witowski, president of the company “Ścieki Polskie” in an interview with the website.

Inspections will be carried out by local self-governments. Municipalities are obliged to fill the register of tanks in their territory, as well as to control the removal of sewage by the population. By April, they must prepare the first annual report, including the number of tanks and contracts between consumers and waste companies.

Penalties may follow

If local governments do not fulfill their obligations in this regard, they may be fined. They can be fined up to PLN 50,000 for not keeping records. zloty.

However, the population faces fines. For obstructing inspection (which also involves showing invoices) Can be fined 500 PLN. If the case goes to court, the fine can be up to PLN 5,000. zloty.

There is also a penalty in areas where the property is not connected to the sewer system.

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