“On December 20, 2023, under the supervision of the Massov branch of the Organized Crime and Corruption Department of the National Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw, employees of the Internal Security Agency arrested a citizen of the Republic of Belarus. during the operation. ABW employees conducted searches in several places in Poland, questioned witnesses and seized items in the form of data carriers,” reads the website of the Prosecutor's Office.

Prosecutor's charge

The charge of conducting foreign intelligence activities against the Republic of Poland is qualified under Art. 130 § 1 of the Criminal Code. The prosecutor of the Mazowi branch of the Organized Crime and Corruption Department of the Warsaw National Prosecutor's Office presented the detainee.

The crime charged against the suspect is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

“Due to the need to ensure the proper course of the case, the real fear of the suspect's escape and the harsh punishment he faces, the prosecutor applied to the court to use detention as a preventive measure. The court fully agreed with the argument of the prosecutor's office and sentenced the woman to 3-month imprisonment as a preventive measure,” reads the information of the prosecutor's office.

espionage activity

According to the conclusion of the prosecutor's office so far, the woman was engaged in espionage activities for the Belarusian special service – the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus. During the investigation, the prosecutor established that he provided information about the members of the Belarusian diaspora living in the territory of the Republic of Poland and the organizations that unite Belarusians and Poles of Belarusian nationality. The procedure was to continue for several months.

Also read:
Russian spies were caught in Poland. 16 people are accused

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