All conflicts in Poland benefit our enemies. There is not much information about this in the media, because they have different interests when fighting for receivers and advertisers. Simply put, destabilization is beneficial from a financial point of view.

Destabilization is a great circumstance and perhaps even a tool, primarily to achieve specific political goals. Such political theater. But the most interesting thing is what happens behind the scenes.

Prof. Daniela Schwarzer – German political scientist and member of the board of the Bertelsmann Foundation, leading expert on European and international issues, member of DGAP (German Council on Foreign Relations) and member of the French Legion of Honor in 2017 – in an interview. Published by Wirtualna Polska portal on January 2, 2024…

…and above all, the author of the report prepared by French and German experts on the need for a deep reform of the European Union, which proposes to give up the right of veto to the member states, clearly states and changes:

“…which will develop the EU towards a federal system, with strengthened European sources of power and legitimacy of decisions.”

“If a country is sure that a decision can be taken against it and it is important for its sovereignty, it can refer the matter to the Council of Europe, which makes a unanimous decision.”

The above proposal may be a soothing and argument for removing the right of veto, but Prof. Later, Daniela Schwarzer adds:

“It is high time for the EU's decision-making to become more effective in order to increase its operational capacity in an increasingly hostile world.” If we just accept that some countries say “we don't want to give up sovereignty” and the deadline, there's no point in producing this report, right? As I said before, we need to clearly define what it means to defend sovereignty in today's troubled times.

Citing the example of Victor Orban and Art. 7 TEU against a Member State violating the rule of law, Prof. Daniela Schwarzer maintains that countries that “violate the rule of law” should not receive funds – eliminating unanimity is crucial here. We know that creates a risk, which we were dealing with – it's not about the law, it's about the EU arbitrarily admitting that someone is breaking the rule of law, and that's it. It will be the EU that decides who violates the rule of law. Therefore, the above warranty:

“If a country is sure that a decision can be taken against it and it is important for its sovereignty, it can refer the matter to the Council of Europe, which makes a unanimous decision.”

… These are just empty words aimed at slowing down the skeptics of EU federalism. Despite the contribution to the general budget of the European Union, the country will not receive money – this is clear from the interview. Assuring sovereignty in the Council of Europe forum is simply a game of appearances.

Therefore, Poland is a key player. And from Germany's perspective, it is also a major player in the single market area, where both the Germans and the Poles have lost the UK as an ally in a very well-functioning triangle pushing for its strengthening.

It should read: Germany wants to control the Polish market.

“Poland was right about Nord Stream and Putin's intentions towards Ukraine, as were the Baltic states. Therefore, I believe that we need to restore bilateral relations after all these campaigns and negative narratives in Poland.”

It is interesting that Prof. Dr Daniela Schwarzer, member of the board of directors of the Bertelsmann Stiftung, Reinhard Mohn, Luftwaffe volunteer. Her father, Heinrich Mohn, was a staunch member of the SS. He made donations to other Nazi organizations.

In 1947, Moh took over the management of the C. Bertelsmann publishing house. He replaced his shadowy father there. As the English Wikipedia writes:

“Heinrich Mohn belonged to the circle of SS patrons and tried to turn his company into a Nazi-style enterprise. During World War II, the publishing house C. Bertelsmann Verlag became the leading supplier to the Wehrmacht, surpassing Franz Ehrer, the central publishing house of the Nazi Party. Especially in 1939-1941, the income of “Ch. Bertelsmann Verlag has grown dramatically. Jewish forced laborers were forced to work not in Gitersloh, but in Lithuanian printing houses with which C. Bertelsmann Verlag cooperated.

In any case, the Financial Times writes: South Korea's multibillion-dollar arms deal is in jeopardy after Poland's election. And according to an article by TheKoreaTimesThat Tusk was breaking contracts, but not because of the war in Ukraine. However, he is thinking of European arms suppliers.

What is most shocking in this whole situation is the argument that the federalization of the EU is an argument (including by Professor Daniel Schwarzer) for the unity of the EU, among others. In situations like the war in Ukraine, no country will block aid to the country under attack, given the risk Russia poses.


“Journalists of the Disclose organization stated that the French supplied Russia with military equipment from 2015 to 2020. According to the representative of the Ministry of Defense, there was no violation of EU sanctions.

Republic of: ))>…))>

According to the British newspaper The Telegraph, France and Germany, despite the embargo, armed Russia with military equipment worth 273 million euros. These are the calculations based on the European Commission analysis provided to the newspaper. The flaw in the embargo is the so-called “grandfather clause” and the “dual purpose” rule. The first one was blocked only on April 8.

Business Insider: ))>…))>

Meanwhile, Donald Tusk assured in his presentation that he will strengthen Poland's position in the EU. He should have known then that, according to the interpretation of the European Union, this strengthening can only happen through federalization and the introduction of laws restricting the sovereignty of Poland and other countries. Without reason, EU representatives are happy about the change of government in Poland.

But the best part is that Germany accuses Poland of complicity in the explosion of the Nord Strem 2 pipeline. You can read a lot of shocking information about this case here:

“Onet and Berlin are taking action against the Polish state – that's it evidence”

Interview with WP portal Prof. Daniela Schwarzer:

M. Gostakiewicz, The Great Reform of the European Union. Expert: From Germany's point of view, Poland is key in this debate January 2, 2024 Wirtualna Polska, ))>…))>

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