The presidential election in the United States will be held in November 2024. At the end of April 2023, the current US President Joe Biden officially announced that he will run for a second term in the White House. Former US President Donald Trump announced in November 2022 that he intends to run again. IN The fight for the nomination of the Republican Party Trump is leading in the polls by a significant margin.

Donald Trump was the President of the United States from 2017 to 2021. The politician believes that he lost the re-election fight against Joe Biden because the election was rigged.

“The goal is revenge”

In Pennsylvania, Joe Biden gave a speech on the eve of the third anniversary of the storming of the Capitol. The US President said that the events of January 2021 were an attempt by Donald Trump and his supporters to block the process of a peaceful transfer of power in the United States.

– Trump's attack on democracy is not only in the past. He announces this in the future, he talks about it openly. Donald Trump says that after coming to power he will establish a one-day dictatorship and does not hide his sympathy for dictators like Kim Jong-un or Putin. His goal is revenge, Joe Biden said. – As we begin this election year, we must state clearly: democracy and freedom are on the ballot. The election of Donald Trump as the US president will be the end of American democracy, he said.

Attack on the Capitol

Let's remember that Attack on the Capitol Happened on January 6, 2021 in Washington, D.C. Then, thousands of supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol to protest the results of the presidential election, while both houses of Congress debated whether to confirm Joe Biden's victory.

After entering the building, the stormtroopers committed numerous acts of vandalism and looting before being removed by police forces several hours later. Due to the attack, it was necessary to stop the sessions of the congress chambers and to evacuate the congressmen. Five people died and 138 were injured as a result of the events that took place in the Capitol.

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