An informal meeting of environmental protection ministers of EU member states was held in Brussels. Poland was represented by Ursula Zielinska, State Secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Environmental Protection. During one of the announcements, the green politician surprised the audience by saying that the EU should adopt more ambitious climate goals and commit to a 90% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. until 2040.

We remind you that the current goals envisage a reduction of CO2 emissions by 55%. by 2030. They are one of the elements Controversial package “Fit for 55”., which also introduces, among others, a ban on the registration of combustion vehicles from 2035. Zielinska's announcement is surprising, as almost no EU country has so far supported such far-reaching restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions.

The Ministry of Climate and Environment quickly announced that demand for CO2 must be reduced by 90%. There is no official position of the Ministry of Poland for 2040.

Bosak comments

Krzysztof Bosak responded to Zielinska's unexpected statement on the social network. The politician of the confederation spared no words of criticism towards the deputy head of the Ministry of Climate and Environment, asking whether his statement was nonsense or fanaticism.

“Minister @Ula_Zielinska from PO, on behalf of the Tusk government in the EU, called for a 90% CO2 emission reduction target (currently, after the PiS government made concessions, it is 55%). what would you call it fanaticism? sabotage? Stupidity?” writes the MP on the website of X, adding that Zielinski's controversial proposals are not new. The politician raised similar demands during the pre-election campaign.

“I already warned you then. Her boss @hennigkloska is breaking up with her now. Comedy!” Bosak finished his entry.


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