The result was the ability to bless same-sex couples Declaration “Fiducia supplicans” published by the Vatican Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith on December 18, 2023 On the Pastoral Significance of the Beatitudes.

According to the hierarchs of Mozambique, there are no conditions for consecrating homosexual couples, and no Catholic priest will do it.

The Mozambican bishops clarified that after the publication of the Vatican document, the episcopal conference received “questions and voices of concern” caused by the declaration of “Fiducia supplicans”. “We call on all ordained clergy to show closeness and compassion to people living in irregular and same-sex relationships, but not to bless these relationships (…). We have decided that such a blessing should not take place in Mozambique,” the Mozambique bishops said, clarifying that the blessing of such couples could be misinterpreted as their legalization.

The bishops say no

We remind you that earlier the bishops of the episcopal conference of Angola and the Holy Islands also expressed a negative opinion on the possibility of blessing homosexual couples. Thomas and Czizek (CEAST). He expressed “discomfort” with the declaration of “Fiducia supplicans”, specifying that the document will not be implemented in the former Portuguese colonies of Africa regarding the blessing of same-sex couples.

The CEAST bishops explained that they did not want to introduce informal blessings for homosexual couples introduced by the “Fiducia supplicans”, saying that they had not been given in any of these countries. “Such an act will cause great scandal and confusion among believers. An informal blessing for irregular same-sex couples (…) in our cultural and ecclesiastical context would cause enormous scandal and confusion among the faithful. For this reason, we have decided that it should not be implemented in Angola and Sao Tome and Principe,” the bishops said in a statement.

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(Translate Tags) Mozambique

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