“On January 12, 2024, the Prosecutor General, Professor Adam Bodnar, during a meeting with the National Prosecutor, Mr. Dariusz Barski, handed him a document stating that he was reinstated to active duty on February 16, 2022, by the previous Prosecutor General. Mr. Zbigniew Ziobro, was accepted in violation of the current regulations and did not have legal effect, as a provision of the act was applied, which was no longer in force,” the Ministry of Justice said in a statement on Friday. The Ministry asserts that “from the date of transfer of the above-mentioned position of the Prosecutor General, i.e. from January 12, 2024, Mr. Dariusz Barski. remains at restwhich causes him to be unable to function as a national prosecutor.

In March 2022, Dariusz Barski was appointed General Prosecutor and First Deputy National Prosecutor, replacing Bogdan Šwiechkovski.

Bodnar's new decision. He appointed acting national prosecutor

“Prosecutor of the National Prosecutor's Office, Jacek Bilević, has become acting national prosecutor,” the Ministry of Justice said in another statement.


According to the local self-government portal, in March 2016, Jacek Bilewicz, who was a prosecutor in the General Prosecutor's Office at that time, was transferred to the Warsaw-Prague District Prosecutor's Office after the new law on prosecutors came into force. Bilevich, by the way, is a member of the board of the “Lex Super Omnia” prosecutors' association.

“From January 15, 2024, Prosecutor General Adam Bodnar will take up his position at the headquarters of the National Prosecutor's Office. Within the framework of the duties of the Prosecutor General, he will take care and supervise the effective and proper functioning of the National Prosecutor's Office. Prosecutor's office. In addition, he will monitor the process of Poland joining the European Prosecutor's Office,” the Ministry of Justice said on Friday.

Also read:
Bodnar is “cancelled” by the national prosecutor. Jack: He will be held criminally responsible for this

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