The statement of the press service of the National Prosecutor's Office appeared on the profile of the Prosecutor's Office on the X platform on Monday morning.

The Deputy Prosecutor General sent a letter to the President of the European Commission and the European Parliamentarians, noting that in recent years the representatives of the European Commission have repeatedly focused on issues related to the protection of the rule of law in Poland. , but as they pointed out, the commission is silent when the rule of law is violated in opposition,” it is written.


“An attack on one of the most important institutions”

“The actions of the Prosecutor General Adam Bodnar may endanger the economic interests of the European Union in relation to the principle of free movement of capital between the European Union countries, as well as the significant involvement of the European Union countries in Polish economic initiatives.” Prosecutor's office. In Poland, he is active in the prosecution of crimes committed to the detriment of the European Union, including extortion of funds from the EU budget and VAT fraud,” the statement reads.

The Deputy Prosecutor General appealed to the representatives of the EU societies and the EU executive bodies to take appropriate measures to prevent violations of legal provisions in Poland. As they noted, in all democratic countries, the government has the right to implement legislative initiatives to change the form and composition of state bodies, but this should be done in accordance with the current legislation.

Let's remember that revealedHow the Minister of Justice tried to remove the National Prosecutor Dariusz Barski. Adam Bodnar wanted to hand Barski a decision justifying that his reinstatement on February 16, 2022, by the previous Prosecutor General Zbigniew Ziobro, was carried out in violation of the current regulations and had no legal effect.

The Deputy Prosecutor General noted that Adam Bodnar's actions “create a destabilizing situation in the work of the Polish Prosecutor's Office”. “The attack on one of the most important institutions of the state, the prosecutor's office, undermines the foundations of the democratic state of law and the independence of prosecutors, causes chaos and paralyzes the functioning of this institution in a tense period. An international situation where subversive acts and the activities of foreign intelligence services are the subject of important proceedings.

“Dariush Barski performs the function of the national prosecutor”

“Dariusz Barski serves as the national prosecutor, and in accordance with the order of the Deputy Prosecutor General Michal Ostrovsky on January 13, 2024, during the absence of the first deputy of the National Prosecutor Dariusz Barski, the prosecutors perform their activities. The National Prosecutor's Office and other units of the Prosecutor's Office carry out and carry out only the orders and instructions of the other Deputy Prosecutor Generals mentioned in the order, including Krzysztof Sierak, Michal Ostrowski, Robert Hernand and Beata Marczak,” the National Prosecutor's Office said.

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Echo of edition. Bodnar requests to open a case against his deputy
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