This is reported by Markin Dobski from the portal. – In the letter of December 29, 2023, the Prosecutor General, Minister of Justice, Art. 9 § 2 of the Law of January 28, 2016, the Law “On Public Prosecutor's Office”, took over the proceedings of the Warsaw Regional Prosecutor's Office. The Warsaw Regional Prosecutor's Office received this letter today, January 3, 2024, said the spokesperson of the Warsaw Regional Prosecutor's Office, Prosecutor Aleksandra Skrzyniarz.

means that Media information has been confirmedthat the Minister of Justice is going to control the investigation.

Controversy surrounding the 'new' TVP

We remind you that Bodnar's action is a response to the attitude of the regional prosecutor's office, which sent an application to the commercial courts of Warsaw to make changes to the national court register of public broadcasting companies – TVP, Polskie Radio and PAP.

– After analyzing the legal status and the actions taken by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, the prosecutor reported on the participation in the current registration proceedings and requested to refuse to make changes to the KRS register due to the opposition to the adopted resolutions. Applicable legal provisions. In addition, applications have been submitted to secure claims, including: for the annulment of the decrees adopted on December 19, 2023 – adds Prosecutor Skrzyniarz in an interview with the portal.

The method of taking TVP causes great emotions. We remind you that on Wednesday, December 20, representatives of the company's “new government” entered TVP's headquarters, accompanied by several anonymous men. During the fight in the public television building PiS deputy Joanna Boroviak was injured. The signal of the public information television was switched off and the daily news edition was not broadcast.

Changes in public media

In recent weeks, there has been a real revolution in public media. Finally, on December 27, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz decided to liquidate them. A week earlier, Minister Sienkiewicz dismissed the presidents of Polish Television, Polish Radio and the Polish Press Agency.

The new management boards of the companies were elected by the new supervisory boards appointed by the minister. Less than an hour after the announcement of the Ministry of Culture, TVP Info and TVP3 stopped broadcasting (instead, TVP1 and TVP2 started broadcasting). A few minutes later, the station's website also disappeared. It caused great emotions in the public space and is still a leading topic in the media.

Today we already know that most of the journalists of Telewizja Polska will no longer appear on TVP. The media, in turn, reports on the return of famous names to the public media, who bid farewell to them during the time of law and justice.

Also read:
Adamchik's new statement. Disturbing situation inside TVP

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