“The action of the Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Relations in the case of M.K. is a violation of the law and raises doubts about the correctness and objectivity of the ruling,” the head of the Ministry of Justice wrote in the letter sent to the discipline. Spokesman of the Supreme Court.

“Minister Adam Bodnar has sent a letter to the Supreme Court Disciplinary Ombudsman, Andrzej Tomczyk, asking him to assess whether the action of the Emergency Control and Public Affairs Chamber in the MK case (I NSW 1267/23) constitutes a disciplinary offence. Therefore, the Minister of Justice asked the ombudsman to consider the initiation of explanatory proceedings in connection with this issue,” the ministry said in a statement.

The Chamber overruled the decision of Holounia

We remind you that last Friday, the Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs of the Supreme Court annulled the decision of the Speaker of the Seimas regarding the expiration of the mandate of Mariusz Kaminski. Earlier, a similar decision was made by the Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Relations of the Supreme Court in the case of Deputy Maciej Vasik. Overturning the Shimon Holonia decision means that both Kaminski and Vesik, They are still MPs and are protected by parliamentary immunity. The leader of Poland in 2050 has a different opinion.

At the same time, according to Bodnar, “it is necessary to determine whether there has been a clear and gross violation of the law or an act or omission that may interfere with or significantly interfere with the functioning of the judiciary.” “In the opinion of the Minister of Justice, the court should make decisions using the original of the given case. The copied document file may be incomplete or inconsistent with the original. Acting in this way “undermines the confidence of the justice system and also puts the parties at risk of abuse”, – says the head of the Ministry of Justice.

Kaleta: How pathetic

This step of the Minister of Justice was strongly criticized by the former Deputy of this Minister, Deputy Sebastian Kaleta.

“But it's unfortunate, Min. Adam Bodnar is demanding disciplinary responsibility, because the case was decided by the competent chamber in the Supreme Court, and he has been silent for several days about the attitude of Piotr, the president of the Chamber of Labor. Prusinowski, who illegally obtained the papers from a man named Shimon Holunia, recalls that every time Ziobro criticized the judges for their actions, there was a chorus of critics pointing out that the Ministry of Justice was present. An unacceptable way of putting pressure on the independence of judges and courts. Of course, now Bodnar will be applauded or, in the best case, they will be silent,” the politician wrote on the X website.

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