Hate is a very strong feeling. Some say it's dangerous. Eating it is not healthy. In the long run, this can lead to obsession. Obsessive hatred gives rise to dangerous feelings – it awakens the desire for revenge. Actions of revenge are overused in cinema. Hate leads to heinous acts of revenge and sometimes crimes, which usually do not provoke opposition from the audience and lead to approval or even enthusiasm. Examples abound, including such classics as “Rambo” and “The Unforgiven.” We agree that justice will be served – even on ourselves, outside the law. Who wouldn't want to settle accounts with someone who hurt, humiliated, lied to… The law is the law, but justice must be on our side. This is what cinema teaches most often. People look and shake their heads. They are happy that the revenge was successful, something very bad happened to “them” and finally they got the deserved punishment.

You are what you feed on, what you feed your mind with. In other words: you become what you eat. It can happen quite quickly, or it can take a long time, but the end result is this – you become what you feed on. And then… things happen, about which Mislovitz sang, “It wasn't a movie.” Today this “film” is falling apart before our eyes. Hatred bears its fruit, it is enmity, revenge, revenge at any cost – even outside the law. And perhaps – just like in the cinema – there is much to be admired and admired. Most of them do not even bother to check incoming messages from the screens of TV and mobile phones. And we have to admit that lately this verification is extremely difficult – especially when someone is usually not interested in legal matters and does not follow all political events and has a short memory.

In recent times, many people who are supposed to uphold justice, law and truth are suddenly inclined to radically change their views. A strange change. Its effect is to present alternative interpretations of existing law and constitutional provisions. It is impossible not to get the impression that this change is influenced by their political views and sometimes particularly strong pressure caused by the platform's declared war against PiS, which has been going on for years. Some people are afraid to admit that they sympathize with PiS because it might cause them to be offended – especially on the Internet, where people lose their tempers faster and more often.

Legal translators such as Adam “clears himself”, Strzembos, Andrzej Zol, Andrzej Rzeplinski, Marek Safjani and Adam Bodnar – although it should probably read: Adam S., Andrzej Z., Andrzej R., Marek S. and Adam B.? – They destroy the democratic legal system of Poland. They believe that changes in the constitutional bodies of the state can be made by resolutions of the Sejm, which are not the source of law in Poland (such as: the constitution, laws, ratified international agreements and regulations) and bodies. The state can act on the basis of imaginary competences. The theories and suggestions of unconstitutional actions promulgated by this former legitimate government and disseminated by media favorable to the former totalitarian/totalitarian opposition have resulted in us living in two parallel worlds. Almost like a movie. It's less funny in real life, though.

In the first of these worlds, MPs and ex-ministers Kaminski and Vasik were tried by a court, but… President Duda's clemency act cleared them of the crime, so the case is closed. It could not be renewed or retried for the same offense, so the court could not impose another sentence in this case after the pardon. Accordingly, the verdict is a scandal and a judicial insult. Today, both men are still MPs because the termination of their immunity was illegal. Their detention was equally illegal because the Chamber of Emergency Control and Public Affairs (and under the law this chamber has the right to do so) accepted their complaint. All laws passed henceforth by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland will be burdened with constitutional delict, and their force and effect may be called into question.

In the second parallel world, parliamentarians and former ministers Kaminski and Vesik were sentenced by the court, but… President Duda's amnesty act has no force, so the case is not closed (even though it seemed closed for 8 years). And if so, it can be renewed and sent to judgment – which has been done in a few days – at a pace exceptional for our courts. Therefore, despite the act of mercy (invalid in this parallel world), both men are “finally” convicted and no longer MPs, and it was appropriate to deprive them of their immunity, as well as to arrest them. The Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs allowed them to appeal, but… Ali… Alieh… Shimon H. did not send the documents to this Chamber because he chose the Labor and Social Insurance Chamber, which does not deal with such matters. The situation will not affect the laws passed by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, as the “authority” confirms that everything is in order.

In all this stratification of worlds, the assessment of President Duda's act of grace is crucial. It is unconditional and can be used at any time – not necessarily only after the judgment has become final. Article 139 of the Constitution states that the President exercises the power of pardon and does not specify the conditions or limitations of this right. This point of view, among others, was presented by Stanislaw Valtosz, co-author of the Handbook for Law Students. However, Prof. Waltosh managed to change his view and now believes that the act of mercy could not be used until the appeal was heard by the Court of Second Instance (November 2015). The same person and two different interpretations.

The President of the Republic of Poland can use the power of pardon in case of any crime or misdemeanor. The Constitution does not answer the question whether he can exercise this right before final conviction. At first glance, it seems that pardon in the form of individual amnesty is permissible, since Art. Article 139 of the Constitution does not impose any restrictions here. However, until November 16, 2015, the President of the Republic of Poland never made such a decision… (Handbook “Criminal Court. System Outline”, Stanislaw Waltosz, Piotr Hofmanski, 2016 edition)

This is not true. Previously, the legal authorities ignored or did not suspect when President Kwasniewski used the amnesty law for Rishard Kalish and Zbigniew Sobotka (both cases under appeal) or Peter Vogel, etc. Murdered in 1971., under inexplicable circumstances he escaped from Poland in 1983, 5 years later he was arrested in Switzerland and… pardoned by President Kwasniewski before being tried for the escape). Since what Prof. writes is not true. In the Waltoś guide (2016 edition, but it is also worth checking what he wrote in previous editions) and such decisions were made, we are dealing with lies or even manipulation. Oh, this government…

By the way, it should be remembered that after the Watergate scandal and the resignation of President Nixon in 1974, his successor, Gerald Ford, “one month after Nixon's resignation, on September 8, issued a broad pardon, thus closing the possibility of Nixon's legal arrest. responsible for his illegal actions during his presidency” (Wikipedia).

“Ford primarily wanted to know whether a person could be pardoned before he was convicted, or, if he had already been charged, whether the act of pardon would prevent a conviction if it had been entered before a jury. He also wondered if a specific crime should be specified in the pardon application, whether it was enough to specify the type of crime, and whether the president's gesture would stop the impeachment process (the act of pardon covers everything except impeachment cases). The question that most troubled Ford was, “What does an act of grace mean anyway?” Will he erase everything he (Nixon) did as if it never happened? Does the act of pardon eliminate the crime or only the punishment imposed on it?”. ())>Accidental President))>).

Ultimately, Nixon's clemency act covered “all violations of the law that he may have committed while in office.” He was not even impeached. Today, he wouldn't stand a chance against Bodnar and other Polish legal luminaries. If it weren't for the fact that he's been dead for a long time, Nixon would probably be in jail with Vesik today. Although Mr. Bodnar's actions are more reminiscent of the style of a certain man with a mustache. It's really happening.

They say that hate is the opposite of love, but some people seem to be able to combine the two feelings. The leader of the “Party of Love” is unrivaled in this – he can convince you that he loves and strives for reconciliation, and at the same time he hates, desires revenge and strives for confrontation. You must be careful not to be deceived. Experts recommend that you try to let go of the hatred you feel. This is possible, among other things, by examining the belief that accompanies this feeling. This is not an easy task. And most importantly, you have to want it. He doesn't want to. We can guess why he doesn't want to. Theories vary. One thing is certain. Donald T. To become the first Lukashenko of the Republic of Poland. On the other hand, Szymon H. may go down in history as a cane with a Hołownia beard. And Bodnar? These are the phrases about him when he was the Commissioner for Human Rights:

…LGTBe love passes, it does not delay
IKEA protects, scolds the common man,
By the way, Poles also complain about the Holocaust;
He continues with a nasty but smiling accusation.

Like a magpie that constantly crows on the fence,
He won't shut up, he keeps talking nonsense.
Loves the news, shortens the old time,
He names scoundrels, wicked men famous,

reprimands what was praised, what was blamed – praises
I will give you a joke as proof, I will hold you hard.
He calls the fools wise, complains of their errors,
That which cannot be ascertained, he seems to discover.

When he goes to court against Orlen
In whose interests is he working so hard?
After all, he is supposed to be the Commissioner for Civil Rights
And not the help messenger of foreign forces…

This picture has not changed much. It can be said that it has become even tougher. Somewhere in the back of our minds is the idea that we should love our neighbor as ourselves… Jesus even spoke of “loving our enemies,” but how could we love Adam B., Donald T. And those paralegals they promote unconstitutional, illegal actions that destroy law and order and social peace in Poland and drive our speeding ship to the rocks? This is a horror movie. Will there be anything left to collect after this show?

“Bodnar and Faulty Roads” from Wierszydła's series

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