On Saturday Czeslaw Siekierski, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Together with the Voivode of Podkarpackie, Tereza Kubas-Hul, he met with the “Shukana Vie” farmers who were protesting at the border crossing in Medica.

After 17:20 at the press conference Kubas-Hul announced the signing of the agreement.

The minister promised to meet all the demands of the farmers. The demands included the initiation of corn subsidies in the amount of PLN 1 million, an increase in liquidity loans by PLN 2.5 billion, and the maintenance of the agricultural tax level at the 2023 level.

look: a medic. The Minister of Agriculture met the farmers. The protest is suspended

“The moment of signing the agreement The protest action at the Medica border checkpoint has been suspended for the necessary period to implement legislative changes.notice and during the time necessary to implement additional changes,” the agreement states.

– This agreement is neither the beginning nor the end of the dialogue that we started and will continue with the farmers. We want to solve problems through dialogue with farmers, full partnership discussion. We are aware of the current situation in agriculture, – said the Minister of Agriculture at the briefing.

He also spoke Roman Kondrov, the leader of the farmers from the “deceived village of Podkarpaka”. – My colleagues and I are meeting and going to sign our agreement. (..) We will decide the solution there, I doubt it will be at 8 o'clock in the evening – he said.

Minister of Agriculture Czeslaw Siekierski on the requirements of the agreement: I can be optimistic

– We agree with the implementation of the farmers' demands, They are included in our 2024 budget proposalsWhen it comes to maize subsidies and loans. Of course, the budget is in the process of approval. I am sure that all this will be accepted by the Supreme Seimas, so I can be optimistic about the implementation of these two points – said the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Czeslaw Siekierski in an interview with Polsat News.

look: Deputy Minister Michal Kolodziejak: I fully agree with the demands of the farmers

– As for maintaining the agricultural tax at the level of 2023, the process of preparing a legislative solution has also started, so that the local authorities can exempt farmers from the increase of this tax, – he said.

He added that Local governments will receive the return value in 2025.

Farmers protest at the border. Suspension of activity in medicine

From November 23, the farmers of the “deceived village of Podkarpasie” have been holding a protest rally in Medica near the Ukrainian border. A month after the protest, Minister of Agriculture Czeslaw Siekierski met with the farmers and promised to fulfill the demands of the farmers. A day later, the protest was suspended pending a written declaration.

However, on Thursday, the protest stopped Updated at Medica border post in Podkarpacie. The protest was renewed due to the non-acceptance of the written declaration on the fulfillment of the demands. This led to the activation of actions – until now he has not received written assurances that his demands will be met. Therefore, the protest took a more severe form – the farmers allowed one car to pass through the row per hour.

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