“After 16 years of continuous work in the Polish Parliament, I am getting a mandate in the European Parliament. I declare that, as before, I will be an active parliamentarian, represent the Republic of Poland with dignity and support the government in its work. An attempt to restore Poland's strong position in the EU,” Krzysztof said on X's website Brejza.


Radoslaw Sikorski took the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs in the government of Donald Tusk. Therefore, he had to leave the mandate of a member of the European Parliament.

Krzysztof Bryza won the second result in the 2019 European Parliament elections in the 2nd District on the list of the European Coalition. As a result of the October 15, 2023 elections, Breiza received a mandate as a member of the Seimas. 10th term.

The Pegasus Case

In December 2021, the Associated Press news agency revealed that in 2019 Mobile phones were listening Lawyer Roman Giertych, prosecutor Eva Vrzosek and the then senator of the Civic Platform Krzysztof Breza, who at that time was the head of the campaign of the Civic Coalition Committee before the parliamentary elections. Then there were reports in the media about two more people who could have been using Pegasus for surveillance. They are AgroUnia leader Michal Kolodziejak and journalist Tomasz Schweigert.

AP agency revealed that Krzysztof Breyza's two phones Infected with Pegasus spyware A total of 33 times from April to October 2019. The analysis was conducted by the Citizen Lab Institute at the University of Toronto.

Pegasus is an Israeli-made software that allows remote spying on a cell phone or computer.

– If such a tool is already used in the world, it is the most dangerous fight against terrorists. The election headquarters of the civil coalition did not organize terrorist activities in Poland. We should ask ourselves who was worried about the election headquarters and the opposition campaign in 2019, said Krzysztof Breza.

Also read:
Menzen on Pegasus: How is this different from SB in the Polish People's Republic?
Also read:
A storm after Sikorsky's words. Russia threatens Poland with “revenge”.

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