The police received documents on the bringing of PiS politicians – Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic – to the penitentiary. However, they stay in the presidential palace, where – as they told the media – They are conducting negotiations with President Andrzej Duda. Due to the confusion surrounding the arrest of the former CBA leaders, the Speaker of the Seimas, Shimon Holovnye, decided to postpone the session of the Chamber scheduled for this week.

The presidential palace was surrounded by police officers. They guard all entrances to the building and also check vehicles leaving the palace grounds.

Will PiS politicians fly to Jurata?

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Administration are analyzing whether representatives of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland obstructed the proceedings of the arrest of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wasik. – reports Radio Zet unofficially.

But that's not all. “Journalists also obtained information from the capital's police. They show officers on alert for Vesik and Kaminski at the presidential palace on Tuesday. “Informants suggest that the police force is analyzing the extreme option of using the presidential helicopter to transport PiS politicians to the head of state's center in Jurata,” we read.

Tusk comments

Prime Minister Donald Tusk commented on this at the press conference. – There are no guidelines for the Prime Minister or the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the head of the administration on what to do when convicts are to be transferred to an institution and they remain in the presidential palace. This is an obvious use of a situation where no one would use force against an institution like the presidency, he said.

– What worries me is that the president joined the activities organized by Jaroslaw Kaczynski and his people from PiS and which are aimed at the foundations of the state, – said the head of the government. Tusk then read an article from the Criminal Code that deals with the protection of criminals. He turned to President Andrzej Duda. – You must stop this play. You will be fully responsible for the sabotage of the constitution, for the abuse of power that you still have in many places. It is not acceptable. I will personally take care of it, assured the PO leader.

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