Canadian authorities continue to discriminate against Christian organizations applying for Canada Summer Jobs grants, according to a letter from the Canadian Evangelical Fellowship to the House of Commons Human Resources Committee, published this month by Blacklock's Reporter. It envisages subsidizing wages for entities that employ 15-30-year-olds during the vacation period.

Government discrimination

In October of last year, the Human Resources Committee asked entities participating in the program to provide information about the employee recruitment process. The decision was motivated by the need to evaluate and improve the program.

As outlined in the Canada Evangelical Scholarship letter, the process involves an individual assessment of the employer's applications. The organization warns that in many cases it was subjective, arbitrary, inconsistent, lacking transparency and in some cases ideologically charged. It was noted that federal officials in many cases found letters from applicants for subsidies unacceptable because of the Christian values ​​represented by individual organizations.

Discrimination against Christian organizations in Canada's summer jobs program began in December 2017, when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government ordered entities seeking grants to include a statement in their applications that they support abortion and transgender rights.

The new law imposes an obligation to agree to provisions of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which emphasize that human rights include “reproductive rights and the right to be free from discrimination on grounds of sex, religion, race, national or ethnic origin. origin, color, mental disability or physical orientation, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression”.

The Trudeau government's decision caused a lot of outrage Pro-life organizations Across Canada and in Toronto, the Right to Life Association and the Calgary Center for Bioethics Reform have filed lawsuits in this regard. After the scandal broke, the Canadian government backed away from the controversial regulations, only to return to them in 2019.

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