As a deputy, he could not count on a high salary. This is about PLN 3,000, which is usually paid for services to the state. However, Jaroslaw Kaczynski receives an additional PLN 21,000 as he still retains the salary of the Deputy Prime Minister. Journalists have managed to find out why the Prime Minister's Office is still paying a “ranking deputy”.

The devil is in the details, and anyone who has fallen victim to contractual clauses has learned this. However, in the case of Jaroslaw Kaczynski, they worked in his favor. The journalists of “Fakti” checked about this What is the current salary of Jaroslaw Kaczynski?.

Until recently, the PiS president served not only as the head of the party, but also as the deputy prime minister for security. It hasn't been like that for a long time, but… at least he has a salary.

Kaczynski's income as a PiS government

According to “Fakti”, Yaroslav Kaczynski has the right to do so Parliamentary salary (2,826.64 PLN total), as well pensions, which is 8000 PLN per month. 230 PLN total. The president indicated this amount himself in the property declaration. His income doubled when he re-entered government last year.

A few months after assuming the post of Deputy Prime Minister, PiS ceased to govern. However, the president of PiS still receives money from the prime minister's office – reports “Fakti”. It is not so small, because it is more than 21,000 PLN per month. Why is the salary high if Kaczynski is no longer in the government? This is clearly indicated by the regulations by which he was employed in the government.

“Principles of remuneration of persons in leading positions are regulated by the law “On Remuneration of Persons Holding State Administrative Positions”. “Individual payment depends on the individual professional situation”, “Fakt” learned, which received a response from the Government Information Center.

This is a provision that says that if a person takes another job with a lower salary, then Receives a compensation supplement based on length of service. According to the newspaper's conclusion, Yaroslav Kaczynski will keep his salary until the end of January.

Will the puppet government get paid?

Financial issues were cited as the reason for Mateusz Morawiecki's attempt to form a government (doomed to failure).

Ministers appointed for a short time received a salary and more They were entitled to a higher salary, which we distributed in naTemat. The fact that the government has not received confidence does not mean that the ministers will not formally start their work. According to the regulations, the amount was due.

Constitutionalist Prof. explained this issue in an interview with “Rzeczpospolita”. Andrzej Jackiewicz. As he said, this body did not yet have the so-called “parliamentary investment”, but the ministers are de facto full-fledged members of the cabinet.

The issue was repeatedly criticized, including by Marshal Shimon Holounia, who urged Prime Minister Morawiecki to save face. Finally, the cabinet was appointed and the exposure was announced, and the PiS prime minister – as expected – did not receive a vote of confidence.

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