Changes in pensions Aimed at encouraging elders to be more sympathetic to the politicians of the new coalition. At the moment, PiS has the largest support among this social group,” the website reads. And the number of elderly people will increase every year, as more and more people leave the labor market. Poland is getting old.

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See also: Will Donald Tusk fulfill his promises?

Double Valorization. What does this mean for retirees?

In his presentation, Donald Tusk promised double indexation of pensions. This is an annual increase in the amount of benefits so that pensions do not lose value due to inflation. Indexing takes place once a year on March 1. “Politicians of the new government want to change the indexation rules. The second indexation of pensions and annuities should be introduced when inflation exceeds 5 percent. – writes the website.

What will it look like in practice? If inflation exceeds 5% from January to June of a given year, the second indexation will take place in September or October. The increase will affect surpluses above 5 percent inflation. An example is given on the website: if inflation reached 8 percent in the first half of the year, pensioners' benefits would be increased by 3 percent for the second time. (more than 5% excess).

Pension market experts appreciate the idea of ​​Donald Tusk's new government. – Double indexation is a good idea, it is strange that PiS did not introduce it. Thanks to this, pensioners do not borrow money from the state during high inflation. The second indexation is also a mechanism to prevent the government from “creating inflation”, says the head of the Pension Institute, Dr. Antony Kolek.

However, it is not known whether this change will be applied from 2024. reason? It is not certain Will inflation exceed 5% this year? The details of the March indexation are not yet known. Its indicator will be announced in February based on macroeconomic data for the entire year 2023.

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