Both parties eagerly awaited a decision in this regard Dispute regarding state media. It turned out that The National Court Registry refused to register new members The Supervisory Board of Telewizja Polska was appointed by the Minister of Culture Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz and Tomasz Sigut as the President of the company.

The National Court Registry refused to enter it

The application to enter into the national court register about the members of the Telewizja Polska Supervisory Board, who were appointed by the Minister of Culture at the general meeting on December 19 last year, and Tomasz Sigut, who was appointed by them as president, was released. court on Tuesday.


According to the procedure, the secretary of the court makes the recording. In the justification, the court worker noted that both decisions “were made by a non-authorized body in accordance with the above provisions of UKRRiTV (Radio Broadcasting Act – note), as well as in accordance with the provisions of the TVP charter, respectively.” Even with the provisions of the Commercial Companies Code (Companies Code). commercial – note)”.

In this context, the referrer recalled the December 2016 decision of the Constitutional Tribunal, according to which the deprivation of competence of the National Broadcasting Council to appoint members of the governing bodies of public media companies is unconstitutional.

As he explained, “in no way can it be concluded that the cited decision can be a basis for questioning the National Media Council itself as the body establishing the applicant's bodies. And maiori ad minus the decision of the Constitutional Tribunal does not constitute a basis for the conclusion that these competences have been assumed by the Minister exercising the corporate rights of the State Treasury as a shareholder of the company.

An attempt to take over the state media

process Changes in public media It started with the decision of the Minister of Culture, Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, who dismissed the presidents of TVP, Polskie Radio and PAP. The new management boards of the companies were elected by the new supervisory boards appointed by the minister.

The decision immediately sparked a huge political dispute between PiS and the new ruling coalition, as well as questions about the legal basis of the decision. The voice of the lawyers was divided. The Ministry declares that the Minister “as the body implementing the property rights of the State Treasury, which owns 100% shares in the companies, acts on the basis of the provisions of the Code of Commercial Companies”.

From the beginning, the politicians of Law and Justice and Sovereign Poland took the position that the dismissal of public media authorities was illegal, so it had no legal force.

(tags translated)KRS Record

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