on On the 16th, the “Protest of Free Poles” organized by Jaroslaw Kaczynski's party began. During the event, in addition to the PiS leader, speakers will be: former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and head of the Parliamentary Club Mariusz Blaszczak, as well as a number of other people from the PiS environment.

The party announced the rally as a protest against the actions of Prime Minister Donald Tusk's government regarding the state media. The protest also concerns the imprisonment of PiS politicians Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic.

Charneck: Holonia does not respect the constitution

Przemysław Charnek turned to Marshall Holownia. – Let's tell the Rotary Marshal who is here. The nation has come here! – the lawyer and MP began to speak.

– Run before the session of the Seimas Put those fences back up. Why are you afraid? Mr. Shimon Holownia, rotating marshal. Because you do not know and do not respect the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. All you can do is cry for him. And the constitution says it is the nation, this nation that exercises supreme power, this nation is your boss, you must apologize to this nation for violating the constitution, Charneck said.

– We must tell this nation that you are guilty of what is happening in Poland today and what the whole world is watching, that you were with others who were illegally kidnapped from the presidential palace the other day. Yesterday, in violation of all rules, all norms – both legal and ethical – members of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. You are behind it, said the PiS politician.

– You can change the structures of the state, you can appoint new people to functions and positions, you can change curators and public media authorities, but only in accordance with the law, in accordance with the constitution, – he continued.

At that time, the crowd shouted “Constitution, Constitution!”

PiS protest

Before that, Mariusz Blaszczak spoke at the press conference. He emphasized that the entire gathering should be peaceful. about the same President Andrzej Duda addressed yesterday.

– We protest the violent takeover of the media. I myself witnessed the entry of powerful people into PAP on 23 December 2023 at 3 am. But I emphasize that this protest is peaceful. We are surprised by the atmosphere expressed by the erection of the barriers around the Seym, as I understand, these are smiling barriers, unlike before. I am surprised that the working time is limited to 14:00, all this increases the atmosphere of uncertainty and tension, and I emphasize that the protest is peaceful, he said.

Also read:
Blaszczak: I emphasize that the protest is peaceful
Also read:
President: I am starting the pardon procedure for Kaminsky and Vesik
Also read:
– Are you not exaggerating? Strong words from Charnecki Rymanovsky

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