Talk less, work more – this is the motto of the Chinese manager, which he revealed in an interview given to the Middle East edition of Forbes magazine at the end of 2022. In this respect, Wang Chuanfu is the complete opposite of an eccentric American billionaire. . Its smooth performance meant that BYD cars sold better than Tesla in the first half of 2022 (BYD sold 641,000 electric and hybrid cars, while Tesla only sold 564,000). In the last quarter of 2023, Shenzhen-based Chinese company BYD became the world's largest manufacturer of electric vehicles. In the number of fully electric cars sold, the Chinese have overtaken the long-time king of electric cars, Tesla, led by Elon Musk.

chinese dream

Born in 1966, Wang Chuanfu – who lost his parents as a teenager and was raised by his older brothers – studied metallurgy and physical chemistry at Central South University. He also graduated from Beijing Institute of Non-ferrous Metals. The chemist, who comes from a family of poor farmers, worked for several years in state research institutes. And while a government job could provide him with a secure job for life, young Wang Chuanfu wanted something more out of life.

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