It turns out A proposal to introduce a partnership This is just the beginning of the changes that the ruling politicians are thinking about.

The chairperson of the left-wing club, KO and Poland 2050 coalition partner, Anna Maria Žukowska announces the presentation of the draft law on the introduction of same-sex marriage.

“It seems that there is no chance of supporting President Andrzej Duda, so we will present it closer to the presidential elections,” he said.

Radio Plus journalist Jacek Prusinowski asked if there was a consensus on “same-sex marriage” in the ruling coalition itself.

– Many things can change in our political reality. “There are many people in the civil coalition who support such a solution,” he said.

“Marriage” and homosexuality

The journalist asked if this meant that if the coalition had its own president, he would introduce “same-sex marriage”. – Civil partnership and same-sex marriage are additional solutions – he said.

– What about the possibility of adopting children? – asked Prusinovsky.

– Yes. If different-sex couples can adopt children now, same-sex couples will have the same ability to adopt children, he replied.

Civil partnership for homosexuals

December 12 The decision was made by the Strasbourg Courtthat “the absence of any form of legal recognition and protection of same-sex couples in Poland violates the European Convention on Human Rights.” On the other hand, Tusk's government has already announced a change in the current situation.

Equality Minister Katarzyna Kotula also wants homosexuals to have the option of civil partnerships. He noted that despite the disagreements in the government coalition, work on this solution is still ongoing.

– We will put on the table the laws that we think are the best. We conduct social consultations, including political consultations, because today it probably does not surprise anyone when we say that there are different voices. These are mainly PSL votes, because Poland 2050, with the voice of Szymon Holownia, said that it supports such a solution as a civil partnership, which is the absolute minimum – he said on TVN24.

Also read:
Lawyer: Civil partnership is unconstitutional
Also read:
Zhukovska: Duda can send this budget to the CJEU, the US President and the Constitutional Tribunal if he has such an imagination

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