15/01/2024, 14:45

Interview with Donald Tusk by Piotr Witwicki (Polsat-Interia), Anita Werner (TVN) and Marek Cij (TVP) (screen: YouTube/Donald Tusk – official channel)

– Donald Tusk's first interview after winning the election stopped the law and justice media attack. He explained his decisions patiently, consistently and in a very accessible way – says “Politika” commentator Wislav Vladyka. – It is a pity that the representatives of the leading portals: Onet and Wirtualna Polska were not invited to ask questions – Jakub Wątor, journalist of Goniec.pl, notes.

The interview with the Prime Minister was conducted in the building of the Prime Minister's Chancellery for three television stations: TVP, TVN and Polsat. It aired on these stations at 8 PM on Friday, prime time, and on the Prime Minister's Office YouTube channel, where it had 30,000 views. view It lasted almost an hour.

Questions for Donald Tusk

Marek Czyz asked questions on behalf of TVP, Anita Werner from TVN and Piotr Witwicki from Polsat.

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Journalists asked the Prime Minister, among other things, whether he could envision a symbolic round table conversation with President Andrzej Duda and whether he has plans to end the crisis in the justice system and public media. There were many awkward questions for the Prime Minister. In the 25th minute, Piotr Witwicki recalled the excessive selection of judges of the Constitutional Tribunal in 2015 by the then ruling PO-PSL coalition. Donald Tusk admitted that this was an unwise decision when he was president of the European Council.

Asked by Piotr Witwicki how much time he devotes to the head of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, to solve public media affairs and whether he intends to finance them, Donald Tusk assured that he is very interested. Ensuring that actions are clearly set out in legal regulations.

Donald Tusk was asked another difficult question in this regard. This time from Anita Werner, who reminded that the National Court Registry refused to register the decision of Minister Sienkiewicz, which changed the composition of the public media supervisory boards.

“Please note that we make decisions and try to confirm them with a court decision, and that's why Minister Sienkiewicz looked for various ways to de facto save public media after the disaster that PiS caused to public media,” said Donald Tusk. . “If he made decisions that are called into question, they will not be valid, so there is no risk here,” he emphasized.

Wątor: “It was inelegant from the Prime Minister”

When asked about the funding of public media, Tusk assured that he will find the funds, but much smaller than before. The Prime Minister emphasized that it will no longer be a “money-making factory” as it has been in recent years, and then in favor of Law and Justice politicians.

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And he turned to Marek Čiž from TVP: “Maybe an editor from the public media will remind me of this 26-year-old activist of the youth wing of the Ziobro party. He earned PLN 3 million in three years at TVP?” The journalist did not answer.

– It was inelegant on the part of the Prime Minister. Finally, Marek Chizh returned to TVP a few weeks ago. How can he have detailed knowledge about the income and the people working there when PiS ruled it – says Jakub Vatori. In his opinion, more editors should be invited to the debate. – First of all, Onet and Wirtualne Media, but also “Gazeta Wyborcza”, “Rzeczpospolita” and some right-wing titles, for example “Do Rzeczy”. Naturally, such an interview would last several hours, not one. But he rejects claims of dictating terms to the media and subordinating them, he notes.

Former PiS Prime Minister Beata Szydlo wrote on Platform X: “The only thing we could learn from this hour-long 'interview' is that Tusk will continue to attack and destroy more Polish institutions.” “I guess we watched different interviews?” – answered former basketball player Markin Gortat.

Journalist Blanka Mykolaevska noted the matter-of-fact tone of the Prime Minister, among others. “Donald Tusk declares that the authorities of all companies with the participation of the state treasury will be appointed in competitions. He claims that the information spread in the media – that E. Bienkowska should become the head of Orlen is nonsense,” he said.

Criticism of right-wing journalists

“In the interview, the Prime Minister states that there will be no political negotiations with PiS and the President regarding changes in the judicial system, public media, and state companies. Further fronts will open. I have read his statements that the limit will be the authority to question the actions of the court. At the very least, an agreement with the president could cover defense and foreign policy. However, Andrzej Duda resists. If he vetoes everything, it will be difficult to implement changes,” said Patrick. Michalski from WP.

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Right-wing journalists criticized it. Wojciech Musa, once in Polska Press, recently on TVP, did not like: “Serious Putinada for millions of Poles has never been like this. I wonder if Piotr Witwicki is a little ashamed if he thinks this is wisdom. On the stage. I'm not talking about the other two on the microphone stands “, he writes on the X platform.

Samuel Pereira, until recently at TVP, appreciated: “Piotr Witwicki called the government's attack on public media 'fixing the situation'. Today, even Werner from TVN was more offensive, but Prime Minister Tusk assured his colleagues that “he makes decisions and tries to confirm them”.

“Tusk has regained the advantage in the information space”

Yakub Vatori believes that the press service of the Prime Minister's office should divide the interview into fragments and distribute it on social networks.

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– I think the formula is too traditional and does not suit the youngest audience. Broadcasting the interview on TVP regional channels was a bit unpleasant. The first channel and TVP Info were quite enough – he adds.

– Perhaps the question addressed to Marek Chizhi was the inactivity of the Prime Minister, probably due to fatigue – says Wislav Vladika. – This does not change the fact that the interview was intended for the Prime Minister and the ruling camp to take the initiative of communication, which they lost as a result of the events related to the arrest and protection of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic. .

According to him, although the interview was limited to three television stations, it was widely described and responded to in social networks and social media. – Donald Tusk explained his decisions patiently, coherently and very accessible. Thanks to this, he was able to regain his advantage in the information space – Vislav Vladyka notes.

Also read: A conversation with an anonymous IT specialist ps. Flash_vikop, who analyzed TVP propaganda. “Pebbles in Dinosaurs”

(JF, 15/01/2024)

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