This was announced by Minister Adam Bodnar Poland will join the European Public Prosecutor's Office. The confederation called on the head of the Ministry of Justice to reverse the decision, arguing, among other things, that the move would further limit sovereignty over Brussels.

European Public Prosecutor's Office. Confederacy: An Illegal Decision

According to the confederation, the minister's decision is illegal. – According to the Constitution of Poland, the transfer of competences of the Polish state to the international organization requires ratification by the Sejm with a majority of 2/3 of the votes, and then ratification by the Senate, MP Michal Wawer said at the press conference of the Sejm.

– This decision is taken as a decision of the Minister of Justice or the government of Donald Tusk, which violates the constitution as well as the government of Prime Minister Morawiecki. Prime Minister Morawiecki was a master at breaking the statute of transfer of competences of the Polish state. On more than one occasion, contrary to the constitution, he has agreed to transfer further competences to the EU level at subsequent Council of Europe summits, be it Fit for 55 or not. EU taxes or EU total debt. Now Donald Tusk's government and Minister Bodnar are following the same path, Wawer said.

Wawer and Wilk: The limitation of sovereignty

During the conference, Wawer and Jacek Wilk mentioned several points which, according to the confederation, make Poland's membership in the European Prosecutor's Office unfavorable and dangerous.

Wauer noted that the list of crimes that the European Prosecutor's Office can deal with may be expanded, and Poland will no longer have a say on its own. In this context, Wilk cited the so-called climate crimes as an example. Politicians also recalled that the final decision on whether the European Public Prosecutor's Office is competent to handle the case is made only by the European Public Prosecutor's Office.

Wilk noted that the European Union is constantly expanding its competence towards member states outside the system of treaties. – A classic example is the legendary rule of law, where the European Union imposes a model for the functioning of the courts, the judicial system is subject to the evaluation of the EU bodies, and it does not derive from the treaties at all. The lawyer added that the same would happen with the European Public Prosecutor's Office, especially if it were to break up Amendments to the Agreement.

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