“New Year with two” was held in Tatra National Park. Authorities in Zakopane have urged tourists and residents to refrain from using fireworks, crackers and other pyrotechnic materials because of the animals that live there. Unfortunately, their recommendations were not listened to, the effect of which was visible to the naked eye – the animals did not know where to run.

Dantesque scenes from “New Year's Eve with Two”

On New Year's Eve, the authorities of Zakopane traditionally reminded… Prohibition of use of crackers, fireworks and other pyrotechnic materials, which entered into force in accordance with the Zakopane City Council Act on December 23, 2019. Failure to do so will result in an immediate penalty.

Tatra National Park, where the event was held, appealed to tourists as well “New Year with two”. The management of the park also recalled the annual campaign “Don't shoot on New Year's Eve”, which aims to protect animals from New Year's “attractions”.

Tourists ignored the bells and set off fireworks and crackers. The effects were visible to the naked eye – in many videos from Zakopane you can see animals running away in panic.

Let's remember that He also urged not to film on New Year's Eve Donald Tusk. “As the Prime Minister, what do I advise you not to do on New Year's Eve? Light firearms in the face of fear” – these were the inscriptions in the material distributed by the Prime Minister.

This is a compilation of two records. In one, we see Tusk in a suit speaking at a meeting, while in another, he plays with his dog in less formal attire. It can be assumed that this is the pet of the daughter of the head of the government. The dog is very similar to the one whose photos his daughter Katzina Tusk publishes from time to time.

Not only dogs are afraid of fireworks

About how dogs experience New Year's Eve, V Daria Siemion also wrote onTemat.pl. “Dogs see fireworks as a threat that they need to fight, hide or run away from. Some dogs may bark at fireworks, others may crawl under the bed, but about 70 percent of them will choose to run away,” it reads. text.

as it turns out New Year's Eve fireworks can also harm birds. – Exactly how much is unknown. Such data do not exist either in Poland or in the world. However, we do know that when it comes to the devastating effects of fireworks on birds, we are talking about millions – Jacek Karczewski of the Ornithological Organization said in an interview with naTemat.pl: “I am pYes!”.

Data collected in 2020 show that there were 8 times more dead birds than usual in the new year. The results of the study do not appeal to supporters of fireworks.

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