03/01/2024, 14:47

Danuta Holecka has been associated with TVP since the 1990s. He returned to “Wiadomości” after a five-year hiatus in mid-January 2016, when TVP's management changed. In April 2019, he became the head of “Wiadomości” (screen: TV Republika).

Danuta Holecka continues to spread pro-Pi propaganda, but on the technically inferior TV Republika station. The question is whether the head of the channel, Tomas Sakievic, will manage to make the Republic the main media organ of PiS – media experts and journalists are wondering in an interview with “Presserwise”.

As the director of the channel, Tomas Sakievich, told us, the former star of the public television should host the evening “Dziia” three or four times a week. As in the first edition, on December 29, at the end of the program, he will conduct an interview with the guests in the “Evening Talk” series. His first interlocutor was Mateusz Morawiecki. – We will arrange the rest, because it is quite an emergency – Sakievich explains.

Worse level than in “News”

The first 20-minute service on December 29 covered several topics, including: a Russian missile attack on Poland, a massive attack on Ukraine, and the devolution of public media companies and their liquidation by the Minister of Culture. Words like “Colonel Sienkiewicz”, “attack on media”, “attack on free media” were used several times in this last thread.

Also read: Right-wing journalists and politicians defend TV Republika after Jan Pietrzak's scandalous statement.

How do media experts and journalists evaluate Danuta Holecka's debut on TV Republika and his transition to this TV company? According to Dr. Hubby. According to Adam Sinola from the Department of Journalism at the University of Wrocław, the level of implementation of the December 29 issue of “Dzijai” was technically much worse than that of “Wiadomości” presented and directed by Danuta Holecka.

– But the level of manipulation and propaganda has not changed. Here Mrs. Holetska is faithful to her ideals. He has not even left his current role: he continues to support the same camp. The fact that he's doing it in a different place doesn't really bother him, Sinoli says.

Danuta treated Holeka's star

As deputy editor of “Gazeta Wyborcza” Bartosh T. Wielinski points out that Danuta Holecka's decision to move to TV Republika shows that she is clearly looking for a safe haven in this channel.

Also read: Thanks to the suspension of TVP Info, TV Republika won. Sakievich is asking for donations

– PiS circles believe that Donald Tusk's government will fall and all current TVP and TV Info journalists may return to their old positions, old salaries. However, we have to wait for that first. It is clear that Danuta Holecka is treated like a star by TV Republika: she probably has the most journalistic experience compared to the entire team of this channel, says Bartosz T. Remuneration of the former boss and anchor of “News”. According to the report of the Supreme Audit Office, the journalist earned PLN 46,000. PLN network to air 10 editions of TVP daily. In addition, he also had a full-time contract with TVP.

– This will be a big challenge for Sakievich. Especially since already in 2019 it was reported that his employees were getting their salaries late. Another thing is that Sakiewicz won't get TV on Holec and other former stars of TVP and TVP Info, Wielinski says.

And he continues: – Despite the fact that the head of “Republic” television company had eight years to prepare for this moment, his television still looks like TV October. Building a station almost from scratch in conditions of free competition is a very ambitious plan. Especially since Sakievich has been cut off from state subsidies and transfers from state companies. It has to rely on donations and viewer support. I don't know whether “Republika” is ready to turn into the new main media organ of PiS in such a situation.

Wielinski also points to the fact that Tomasz Sakiewicz is proud of the station's high viewership results in the final days of 2023. – The head of Republic TV emphasizes that this is a better rating than Polsat News. But the question is whether this trend will continue. At the moment, many people are watching the programs of “Republic” TV, because they are interested in what is happening there now – Vielinsky notes.

TV Republika as a lifeline

Adam Sinoli says in the same spirit: – If the TV company “Republica” does not attract advertisers, it may not have enough money from the free market. – The question is Danuta Holetska and Michal Rachon (He became the program director of the channel – editor's note) They want to work for a long time at a station that leaves much to be desired even technically.

Also read: Broadcasting of TVP's “Wiadomości” on TV Republika was against the law.

Piotr Barelkovski, a member of the managing board of Television Media Narodov, the owner of the current station TVMN, focuses on similar issues. – As the former founder of Telewizja Republika, I wonder how Tomasz Sakiewicz will cope organizationally and financially, especially when the station's record viewership is declining – says Barelkowski. – There is no doubt that the presence of Danuta Holetska on “Republica” TV is a step forward for this channel. The former head of “Wiadomości” will certainly attract an audience that is emotionally attached to the PiS message, notes Piotr Barelkowski.

He adds that the first edition of “Dziage” with the participation of Holetska proved that the program will still be politically one-sided. – I think this is a good place for Danuta Holek. “Republica” TV station is today a “saving stick” thanks to which PiS voters will be able to find an attractive message.

– Maybe there will be a new injection from the side of law and justice for this purpose? Barelkovsky is surprised.

We remind you that Michał Rachoń moved from the previous team of Telewizja Polska to Telewizja Republika and took the position of director of television programs. He also hosts two original programs: the morning program “#Jedziemy. Michał Rachoń”, which is a continuation of the series “#Jedziemy” and “#Jedziemy continuation” from TVP Info, and the program “Rock Rachoń”, which was previously broadcast on TVP World.

Also read: Michal Rachon, program director of TV Republika. The station expanded its terrestrial coverage

(MZD, 03/01/2024)

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