The arrest of the former heads of CBA, which took place in the presidential palace during the absence of Andrzej Duda, is controversial. Colleagues from the Law and Justice Party believe this was illegal and point to the 2015 pardon law used against Kaminski and Vesik. On the other hand, the politicians of the ruling camp recall that the court issued the final verdict against the detainees in December last year.

Head of the National Security Bureau, Jacek Sievera, also spoke on the issue. According to him, from a formal point of view, “the detention procedure was proceeding legally”. In addition, the head of the National Security Bureau noted that the entry of policemen into the presidential palace is an event that “has no precedent in history.”

Police cooperation with SOP

Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration on Wednesday evaluated the actions of the police in the presidential palace. As Marcin Kierwiński said, the cooperation between the officers and the SOP was “perfect”.

– The police requested appropriate assistance from the SOP, and the SOP also took part in this operation, so from that point of view, the SOP acted as it should, – he said.

On the other hand, the head of the office of the President of the Republic of Poland, Markin Mastalerek, confirmed that the politicians were detained in his office.

– Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vasik were arrested in my office. At that time I was in the Vatican, I was on a business trip, I was not in the palace that day, I only arrived in the evening – he said in the program of Polsat News Mastalerek “Guest of Events”.

– The behavior of the police officers towards the person who, among other things, was responsible for protecting the border during the hybrid attack in Belarus, or for the modernization of the Polish police, but also for the fight against corruption, was such that it caused one thing: the women who work in the presidential palace cried, – added he.

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