Comet, come on
Mr. Jan Pietrzak, after what his family suffered in Germany, has the right to say what he says. The most outraged are those who sat silently when Tusk wanted to hang President Duda from his branch. Panoramic view
But they are manipulated by the mothers. An aborted beginning that completely changes the meaning of Pietrzak's statement. It was similar to Goebbels' methods, when Morawiecki's statement was published, quoting Tusk's scandalous words, but cutting them out in such a way that it turned out to be Matt's words. As always, the desolate crooks pulled something out of Tusk. context and presented as revealed truth.
Pietrzak's statement was taken out of context and turned 180 degrees because we have anti-media. He spoke of immigrants as poor people deceived by the Germans
Here's the full context: They hope the Poles are ready because we have barracks. We have barracks for immigrants in Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Štutovo. Here we have many barracks built by the Germans.
But it doesn't matter. The truth has already been established by the perverted piz and nothing will change that
Having already played in our law-abiding and democratic neighbors, these bastards will not say a word that the Germans themselves should have put immigrants in former German concentration camps a few years ago.
But you can't talk about it
Well, it is worth reminding them
Did the Germans place refugees in the former Dachau and Buchenwald camps?
The problem of large numbers of refugees crossing borders has recently become controversial around the world. Opinions on this topic are divided, and the governments of individual countries are looking for a solution to the phenomenon of collective population migration. It is therefore not surprising that the decision of the German authorities to house a group of refugees in the former Dachau and Buchenwald concentration camps is widely commented.
The authorities of Augsburg, Bavaria, decided to house the refugees in one of the buildings that used to be the Dachau concentration camp. Forced laborers were imprisoned there during World War II, but in recent years the facility has been used by American troops, who have created a library there. Although local politicians are aware of the controversy surrounding the idea, they still insist that it is a good decision. The argument in this case is that the refugees will have much better conditions in this building than in other available buildings. It should be added that according to the Augsburg authorities, this type of initiative, i.e. Turning the area into a migrant camp should be a better memorial than any museum.
brought from abroad
Here come the Africans
They rush towards us
They will be like dynamite to the rocks
Our compatriots are happy in the cities
After all, they come here to work
There are doctors and engineers
Everyone has a genuine smile
They have knives and axes
and manners
just between us
– They will come with machetes