We also asked aloud how the NBP knew in August that it would make a profit in four months and why it sent two versions of the letter on the matter? We also found that the current coalition has a scenario where it could bet on this Accusation of exceeding the powers provided for in Article 231 of the Civil Code.

The rest of the article is below the video

See also: “Unfair Caliber”. The economist calms the mood regarding the President of the National Bank of Poland

Comments on the disappearance of PLN 6 billion in profits

Dr. Slavomir Dudek, president of the Institute of Public Finance, who commented on our findings on the X website, agrees with this position.

President Glapinski misled the Ministry of Finance with a whopping PLN 6 billion. In this case, there is no need for a state tribunal. A prosecutor is enough here. This is the Criminal Code and Art. 231. A fast, well-documented case based on numbers – writes the economist.

Some commenters on his post also suggested that the issue should be addressed Supreme Control Chamber (NIK). For his part, Bertold Kittel, a TVN24 journalist and winner of the Grand Press award in the category of investigative journalism in 2006, summed up the article with a brief question whether we are dealing with an NBP scandal.

Will they hold the NBP Management Board accountable?

Money.pl also saw the legal development of the current coalition. One of its points is “misleading the state government”.

According to the NBP financial plan, it should not have profit in 2023. Despite this, the President sent a letter to the Ministry of Finance to transfer PLN 5 billion (later PLN 6 billion) to the budget. This amount was included in the draft budget act. Although the financial result of NBP changes at a given moment in time and may depend on the value of exchange rates and interest rates in Poland and other countries – In August and September 2023, there was no basis to estimate that the NBP could have a profit at all, let alone PLN 7 billion (so that we could transfer PLN 6 billion to the budget) – we read in the document of the ruling coalition.

Moreover, if the president of the bank sent a letter to the Ministry based on the resolution of the NBP Governing Board, according to the experts of the current government. Everyone involved in this process is responsible.

“The voter overstepped his rights, and the others failed to fulfill their obligation to not notify the law enforcement authorities about the overstepping of their rights.“- they argue.

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