The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union reached an agreement in December to revise EU rules on asylum and migration. It assumes that member states will have the choice to agree to the resettlement and reception of migrants and the so-called Solidarity contribution. – Currently, we are talking about the obligation to receive 30,000. Migrants every year in a “normal” situation, that is, the same as last year, when several hundreds of thousands of migrants arrived. If desired, we can pay PLN 20,000. Euros are not accepted per person. It is easy to calculate what this amount is for Poland. However, in a crisis situation, movement cannot be replaced by a fee – Prof. said in an interview with Zdislav Krasnodebski, PiS MEP.

The additional number of migrants will be determined only after the European Parliament elections. Meanwhile, “Gazeta Polska Dzień” reports that informal negotiations have already begun in Brussels on the so-called Leveling mechanism for migration package.

A few hundred thousand migrants?

As we read “ZIt suggests that countries that have so far avoided forced quotas of arrivals from outside the EU will have to accept more of them in the coming months than, for example, Germany, France or Italy, where the migration problem is very large. This means that by the end of 2024, not a few, but several hundreds of thousands of people from Africa, the Middle East and Asia may be forcibly sent to Poland. The original plans also suggested that the first move would take place in the spring, but our sources indicate that this date has to be accelerated and we can expect an order from EU officials to accept the people appointed by the end of January or even February.

– I suspect that Donald Tusk's government wants to conduct this process quietly. We remind you that during the government of the previous platform, centers where migrants were supposed to live were quietly being prepared. There was no referendum, no discussion with local authorities and their communities. Therefore, I assume that now the current government will similarly want to disguise the decisions on this topic – PiS MEP Dominik Tarczynski comments in “GPC”.

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Szydlo warns: there will be an attempt to introduce the euro currency in Poland
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