All Swedes must act nowIn order to increase the country's resilience in case of war, Swedish Civil Defense Minister Karl-Oscar Bohlin said at the annual “Folk och Försvar” conference, which was dedicated to the field of defense.

In his speech, he argued that peace was not an “immutable constant” even in Sweden, and that relying on such an assumption “has become more dangerous than it has been for a very long time.”

“War may start in Sweden”

– Many have said it before me, but let me state it officially, more clearly and clearly: war can start in Sweden, he said. The Swedish media interpret these words not as a statement that armed conflict is inevitable, but that the theoretical possibility of war exists in Sweden as well.

Minister Bohlin called on everyone to help build Sweden's total defense. “He asked local government officials to provide shelters, prepare an emergency plan for water and food supplies, and for workers to ask their employers what their role will be in the workplace war organization and discuss what basic things they will need to be able to do.” keep working. in a difficult situation”, – describes

– Are you a private person? Well, have you taken responsibility for preparing your home? Wondering if you have time to join a volunteer defense organization? If not: Go! Bohlin called. The politician advises citizens to get advice from friends who have already started preparing or to get more information from the Swedish Civil Emergency Agency.

Ukraine as a model of civilian training

He recommended that the Swedes take inspiration from Ukraine, which faced a full-scale Russian invasion in February 2022 by involving civilians with its army.

– Civil defense is not primarily a theoretical training. Awareness must translate into practical action. Measures that actually increase the immunity barrier, he said, adding that those who haven't started are already behind.

– Everyone should understand that in the situation we find ourselves in, time can be our most valuable non-renewable resource. If there's one thing that keeps me up at night, it's the feeling that everything is moving too slowly – emphasized Sweden's Minister of Civil Defense, noting that preparations should also speed up government agencies.

– What can be done quickly should be done quickly – there should not be too long discussions and where there are shortcuts, they should be used – concluded Karl-Oscar Bohlin.

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