We invite you to the next episode of the “Women's Gender Education” podcast with the guest: Zbigniew Izdebski, clinical sexologist, teacher, public health specialist.

In the next episode, we will talk about what we are taught as girls – sometimes suddenly, sometimes with the knowledge of adults that we should raise a girl “well”. So you have to kiss your aunt because she will be sad, take care of your friend who is crying because you prefer to play with someone else.

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We grow up thinking that our “girl” isn't quite ours. Girls hand out flowers and pose for a photo “to look beautiful”, and those who do not beautify the pictures are left to their own devices and excluded. How do people raised with traditional female role models teach them to give up their own freedom and push their boundaries and comfort zones for the sake of someone else's feelings? Where empathy ends and begins A tale of needlework?

Female education

Zuzana and Julia. Two close people who were born in Poland and who were raised as women by Poland and the whole world. From the political transformation of the late 1980s to the end of PiS's second term in 2023, they faced Poland's backwaters. But they don't look at everything the same way, maybe the mother-daughter relationship should contain a large dose of generational misunderstanding?

Looks like it's time for them to figure a few things out. Using knowledge, cultural baggage, family stories and own experiences. And sometimes special guests are invited. Zuzana Dabrovska and Julia Iconovich invite you.


Zuzana Dabrovska – Press, radio and television journalist. commentator. In the 1980s, he was a member of the Democratic Opposition, Movement for Freedom and Peace, and the Polish Socialist Party. Currently head of the community department of “Rzeczpospolita”.

Julia Iconovich – former young socialist, former journalist, trained social worker. After years of traveling and searching, she ended up in Portugal teaching English.

Also listen to other Krytyka Polityczna podcasts:

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