– For what purpose did you give PLN 12,192 – asked Robert Mazurek, referring to the dispute between PiS and the current ruling coalition over the status of judges sitting in the National Council of the Judiciary. (The National Council of Justice also includes four deputies and two senators).

Zhukovska replied that she used the funds to support herself and her son.

– So, you took money from something that wasn't yours and didn't give it to charity? “I don't believe it,” said the presenter.

– And why do you think I didn't have the right to do that? – answered the parliamentarian.

– Because it was an allowance for participation in the meetings of the National Council of the Judiciary, and there is no National Council of the Judiciary, after all, there is a Neo-KRS and you only recognize the Paleo-KRS, – explained the journalist. – If there are neo-judges, there are also pale judges, – he added.

Mazurek asks Zhukowska about “Paleo-KRS”.

Zhukovska said that the problem was with the judges. “In our opinion, the team selected from the deputies by the Seimas has the right to sit in the Neo-National Council of Justice, which is still called the Neo-National Council of the Judiciary,” he explained.

Mazurek noted that we are dealing with hypocrisy, because politicians who do not recognize the National Council of the Judiciary still receive allowances from the National Council of the Judiciary.

The left-wing deputy emphasized that the National Council of Justice exists, but in his opinion, it is an institution tainted by the regime of selection of judges. – This does not mean that the National Judicial Council does not exist at all, because it is still working, there are appointments of judges, there are disciplinary cases and there are evaluations of legal acts that are evaluated by the National Council. Court – said Zhukovska.

He added that he joined the current National Council of Justice to influence the evaluation of legal acts submitted to him. – So it's not just PiS evaluations, which only consist in the fact that, for example, the laws presented by the left-wing MPs regarding abortion were not evaluated without any objections, so that we can actually consider it only religious. The basis is as if we were the Polish Episcopal Council and not the National Council of the Judiciary, continued the left-wing MP.

Diet of members of the National Council of the Judiciary

In early January, the official report of the National Council of Justice appeared on the website X List of allowances paid to members of the National Council of Justice in the period from December 1, 2023 to December 31 of the current year. It shows, among other things, that Kamila Gasiuk-Pihovic, an MP from the Civic Coalition, received more than PLN 14,000. PLN for being a member of the entire National Court Register. Gasiuk-Pihovic repeatedly emphasized that the current composition of the National Council of the Judiciary is illegal.

In response, the politician said that the revelation of the amount of the council members' allowance was an “organized campaign to discredit” him.

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