Mariusz Kozak, famous for the program “Goglebox. From TV”, made critical remarks after Doda's concert in Krakow. According to him, the singer was not engaged with the audience and looked tired during the performance. Moreover, the celebrity expressed the opinion that it is good that Rabchevska announced that she will decide to end her career soon. His loyal fans quickly came to the artist's defense.

Doda Kozak from “Goglebox” severely criticized. “Mina looks like a naked cat”

We remind you that the first concerts “Aquarium Tour” It was held in the Warsaw Hall. I. of the premiere show He described his impressions.

– I have to admit that Doda's show was produced “luxuriously” and with noise (…) I am sure that the next performances will have an even bigger impact. Provided that Doda and his entire team allow themselves more freedom and contact with the audience. More electrode folds! – emphasized Kamil Fratchak.

Last Saturday “Aquaria” came… Krakow (TAURON Arena). Mariusz Kozak He went to a concert attended by 12,000 people. Rabchevska fans.

Let us remind you that Kozak is one of the most characteristic participants of the program “Goglebox. In front of the TV”, which airs on TTV. In the show, she comments on various shows, series and movies on the couch with Jacek Saviola, with whom she has been in a relationship for seven years.

On Saturday (January 6), a celebrity recorded a video on TikTok that could be mistaken for her Review of Doda's concert in Krakow. Kozak assessed that the show was sophisticated, but most of the comments were directed at the singer herself.

– I am just coming back from Doda's concert. I expressed my opinion at the concert. I already have death wishes, but I won't change my mind – he mentioned at the beginning.

– Scenography, visualization, sound, dancers – excellent, world class – said the star of “Goglebox”. – The weakest link of this concert was Doda – he said bitterly.

– Zero contact with the audience. This chick didn't say hello or goodbye. rigid. He is like a “cat in the wilderness that is prowling.” You can see that he is tired on stage – he added, and then made a rather clear reference to the fact that some time ago the artist announced that this would probably be his last concert tour in his life.

It is very good that he is finishing his career, it's good for him. I hope and cross my fingers that Doda will be successful in other professions as well, because You can see that he is terribly tired on stage Kozak commented.

Things heated up in the comments section under the video. People who were also at the concert responded and have a slightly different opinion.

“The concert was great! Doda looked phenomenal as always”; “We all have bad days, he also had the right to such days. Life happens differently”; “After the first song, he greeted and said goodbye. I think we went to two different concerts“; “He said hello and said goodbye nicely with the whole team,” they pointed out.

In fact, on Doda's Instastory, there were a lot of stories shared by her fans. One of them shows his manager Rafi, whom you can meet in the Polsat program “Doda. Dream Show”And another man helps him off the stage. The artist then walked over the railings and exchanged high fives with fans.

Was Kozak exaggerating when he said that Doda was out of touch with the audience? Perhaps he was too far away to see it. TAURON Arena in Krakow was full.

It should be noted that “Aquaria” will soon reach… Lodz (Atlas Arena, January 20, 2024) and Gdańsk (ERGO Arena, January 27, 2024).

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