“Name this tune?” He was previously in a relationship with Anna Tarnowska, but their relationship ended after eight years. After a few months, it became clear that his heart was finally beating someone. However, the website “Świat Gwiazd” reports that it has been deciphered.

Until recently, you can find information about it on the Internet Edita GorniakThe famous diva is the new chosen one of Brzozovsky's heart.

as reported Rmf fm: “The rumors returned a few months ago when Brzozowski and Gorniak met on set.rhymes of two. Behind the scene They did not spare each other's sincerity“.

Although both of them initially tried to avoid this topic, the singer finally firmly denied this information. He also emphasized that they are related “There's a special bond, but he remains single.”

The website “Świat Gwiazd” is now reporting that Brzozowski has been dating… the singer and actress for a long time. Malvina Cusior, connected Musical Theater “Roma”.

“The sparks between them were already visible on the set of 'Rytmy Dwójki', but they already knew each other (…) now they brought the audience to their knees with 'Name that melody?' You can see the chemistry between them. Their duet is so striking on stage that it oozes emotional power. Their relationship has long since changed from professional to private. He adores her, talks to her all the time, and on the set of the show they disappear for a long time in the dressing room“- the mysterious informant told the above-mentioned website.

References to a potential novel Cussiore decided to confirm with Brzozowski the website Plejada.pl i asked the artist about him.

I'm not interested in romance every time – answered Brzozovsky, emphasizing that he was tired of this topic.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/529504,rafal-brzozowski-o-wierze-mowi-ze-modlitwa-pomogla-mu-w-walce-o-spadek

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