This is clearly demonstrated by the recent massive bombing War in Ukraine It is still going on and the Russian aggressor is trying his best to intimidate the people of the country he attacked.

– Prayer protects us and gives us strength. However, we see that less and less aid is coming, and without it it will be difficult to survive the winter, the Greek Catholic Exarch of Kharkiv, where refugees are still arriving from the frontline, told Vatican Radio.

Bishop Vasil Tuchapiec emphasizes that the current situation affects children the most, as the constant bombardment spreads fear and causes deep trauma. The Ukrainian bishop notes that even adults find it difficult to cope with the situation.

– This year started quite hard for Kharkiv. This morning, as I was walking to church, I heard explosions and gunfire in the city. Then, also during the service, there was quite heavy shelling. Then we heard that four rockets were fired at Kharkiv. More than 40 people were injured and one woman was killed, Bishop Tuchapiec told the Pope's radio station.

Injury to residents

He noted that what is happening has an internal impact on the condition of people who are increasingly finding it difficult to tolerate the severity. – Our priest said that his little children woke up in the morning because of these explosions. They were scared and, as he said, they were sitting in the corridor because they were afraid. It is very difficult, emphasized the Ukrainian exarch. In these difficult times, according to him, prayer is very important for people. – We pray on holidays and every day, it gives spiritual support to people and helps them survive the hardships of war, – he said.

Bishop Tuchapiets also pointed to the difficult humanitarian situation in Kharkiv, where new refugees are constantly arriving. – Many people came to this city from the front line or the border zone, because these areas are frequently bombed every day. They come and ask for help. We are trying, but the support is less and less, said the Exarch, emphasizing that we need food, warm clothes and blankets the most. – It is a really difficult situation, if you have the opportunity to provide humanitarian aid to Kharkiv. We would be very grateful for that. I also thank everyone who is already supporting the people affected after the war in Ukraine, Bishop Tuchapiec told the Pope's radio station.

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A series of Russian attacks on Ukraine. Sikorsky suggests how to respond

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