Perhaps, if Marshal Holonia had decided that the President had received a pardon and that his pardon “was and is effective”, there would have been even more “effective” queues in front of the presidential palace this morning, despite the frost. “Forgiveness before sentencing.”

“I suggested to the Speaker of the Seimas that in order to close this issue and avoid chaos, today we should simply admit that the amnesty has been and has been in effect since 2015,” Andrzej Duda wrote after the meeting with the Speaker of the Seimas. Shimon Holavnia.

Admit – this word, which Andrzej Duda used, is the key here. The judicial and media chaos, which was created firmly and consistently during the two terms of the PiS government, was necessary to bring us to a situation in which “we don't hear anything anymore” because “there is some kind of loop”. The president explained at the conference. Therefore, we need someone in an arbitrary position above the law – Andrzej Duda is clearly willing to fill this role, at his discretion.

Everyone else will accept this recognition and he will enjoy the recognition.

But there is no recognition

I still don't understand what game Andrzej Duda wants to win or what it will look like to win. We already know that he is not interested in an international career Signed into law a check on Russian influence. Maybe he wants to Shines on the right wing of PolandAnd for that he needs the recognition of Jaroslaw Kaczynski. However, this is probably more difficult than pursuing an international career, because in the latter case – as a president – it will be enough to play by the rules. To earn Kaczynski's recognition, you have to guess his thoughts, because he has his own game, in which there are no rules, so there is no clear way for the president to move forward.

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Perhaps, if Marshal Holonia had decided that the President had received a pardon and that his pardon “was and is effective”, there would have been even more “effective” queues in front of the presidential palace this morning, despite the frost. “Forgiveness before sentencing.” The president was seduced by colleagues of Vesik and Kaminsky, who sold respirators, who gave away villas, who sold visas at fairs in different countries, and many others. Was this actually a PAD offer? Did the colleagues want to give peace in the background of the beginning of the work of the investigative commissions and the revealed violence? It didn't work. Marshall refused to recognize him.

What would the Democrats get out of it?

Security issues and threats from Russia can be resolved, requiring the cooperation of the president – the supreme commander of the Polish armed forces – and the government. It may be possible to reduce tensions before the demonstration announced by PiS on January 11, and perhaps avoid the emerging political legend. Because, as the president and his office claim, Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wasik have dedicated their professional lives to the fight against corruption, and if they go to jail, they will become the first political prisoners in Poland since the change of political system. They were noble and fought against evil.

What the President is now proposing – in the absence of an acknowledgment of his arbitrary decision – is that we recognize Kaminski and Vesic as Andrzej Pozobut.

Or Julian Assange, who was hiding on the grounds of the embassy. Is this how the president wants to protect convicts?

Did Holonia soften or was she smart?

Marshall did not give up and did not accept. But it seems to have backfired. that The propaganda machine, which took a rest after the election campaign, went to work again. In the conditions of constant undermining of the legitimacy and democratic nature of the new government, accusations of tyranny, infringement of freedom of speech, law and democracy. The meetings planned for this week have been cancelled. Demonstrators – or PiS activists – who will come from all over Poland on Thursday, will stand in front of an empty Sejm.

You can complain that Holonia softened, that she blinked, that she could not withstand the tension, but in my opinion she did the right thing – like a bull “The Famous Province of Gaudalajara”. He avoided the bullfighter who stood with his sword drawn and prepared to confront him. “No bull will start charging on its own, so you keep tempting it with a mule, let it rage, let it run, think you're standing in front of it,” sang Wojciech Mlynarski.

PiS seems to be doing just that: flying the mullet. Kaminsky shows the fences, PiS politicians occupy the TV buildings, TV Republika is multiplying demonstrators fighting for “free media” and to further anger the Democrats – after all, they are fighting for a just cause – they can be foolish, for example, to compare. A large orchestra of Christmas charity collections with Nazi collections.

The coalition must be angry, surround the Seym with barriers and use force, which will allow it to continue to convince the audience watching these battles that it is the October 15 coalition that threatens the system and moves all politics backwards. level fightsin which PiS feels comfortable.

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Szymon Hołownia clearly understands that “the importance of success in bullfighting lies in the art of evasion.” He did not allow himself to get angry, he tactically avoids himself, but the investigative committees are working and Yaroslav Govin's testimony attracts the public. At this point, the bullfighter may lose patience.

(tags translated)Andrzej Duda

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