Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wąsik, despite the final conviction by the court, were not sent to prison and are considered to be full deputies for the controversial action of Andrzej Duda. There was a lot of chaos in this case. On Polsat News, one PiS MP announced that the president's right to pardon… “comes from the right of the monarch.” There was laughter in the studio.

It is the result of the eight-year rule of the United Rightists, among others Chaos in the judicial systemwhose effects we can observe, for example matter Mariusz Kaminski and Michal Vesik. At the end of December, PiS politicians heard the final verdict on the violations they allegedly committed when they headed the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau years ago.

Kaminski and Wasik were sentenced to the same sentences – two years in prison and a 5-year ban on holding managerial positions in public institutions. However, they have not been sent to prison so far and they claim that all these decisions do not apply to them.

PiS MP's surprising opinion about the amnesty law. Is Andrzej Duda a monarchy?

They assure the public that it was legally effective Andrzej Duda's act of grace was extended to them eight years before the final verdict.. However, this position contradicts what was finally announced a few months ago The Supreme Court decided.

This issue was discussed in the program “Debata Dnia” on Friday Polsat News. Agnieszka Gozdira asked the PiS MP Andrzej KostuniakIs he the person who heard the verdict in the first instance? He is actually convicted.

– He has no legal punishment – answered the Minister of Finance Mateusz Morawiecki's two-week government. – So convicted? – asked the host.

– Any person who is still at the stage of the preparatory process can receive a pardon from the president. It is historically derived from the right of the monarchIt is understandable – said the MP of PiS.

Gozira asked again: Is Andrzej Duda a monarchy?. – No, but that's what the law says – argued Kolorouniak, and other politicians in the studio started laughing loudly. The PiS MP also referred to Art. Article 139 of the Constitution, indicating the absence of clear guidelines as to when it may be invoked by the President An act of grace. He also said that many students learned it already “in the second year of study”.

Deputy Minister of State Property Markin Kulasek New Leftists claim that Andrzej Koshowniak's words were “curiosity”. He also commented on the statement of the PiS politician Miloš Motika from PSL.

– You are talking about law students. I think the judges Supreme CourtIn 2017, who made a decision on this case, he had this in mind and clearly indicated in the resolution: the right to pardon, as a constitutional right of the President – which you also point out – can be exercised only against persons whose crimes have been established. by the final decision of the court. And please forgive me, but for me, as a citizen, the decision of the Supreme Court is important, not the opinion of the PiS party – said the Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment Protection.

Confusion over convicted PiS MPs

More about the case of Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kamiński The Minister of Justice announced this at a press conference held on Friday Adam Bodnar. According to him, the problems started in 2017, “when there was an attack on the standards of the rule of law in Poland”.

– We all know very well that the final judgment has been passed on the condemnation of these gentlemen. It's the right decision in this situation, Bodnar said, adding that “the president's pardon had no legal force.”

– The decision of the Supreme Court refers to the expiration of the mandate, not to send Mr. Vasik and Kaminski to prison. in terms of criminal law Nothing prevents Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vasik from serving prison terms – said the head of the Ministry of Justice.

As we reported on Friday in, it consists only of the so-called neo-judges, the Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber of the Supreme Court made a decision. Cancellation of the decision on the expiration of the parliamentary mandate of Mariusz Kaminski. Before that, a similar decision was made in this chamber – acting against the constitution – in the case of Maciej Wąsik.

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