In an interview with TVN, Polsat and TVP, Donald Tusk supported Adam Bodnar, who was retired prosecutor Dariusz Barski. Andrzej Duda also responded to Adam Bodnar's decision. “Min. Bodnar does not have the competence for this,” he said via the X platform.

Duda reacts to the decision about Barski

“Min. A. Bodnar is trying to remove D. Barski from the post of national prosecutor, which he does not have the means to do. independent competences. “He gave his 'decision' on this case to the Bar Prosecutor,” he began.

“Replacing the position of the National Prosecutor, according to the law, is the competence of the Prime Minister and the Prosecutor General in cooperation with the President,” he added.

“A. Bodnar's action is without the participation of the Prime Minister and the President Another gross violation of the law (Act and Article 7 of the Constitution)” – he concluded.

The position of the President during the interview, which will be broadcast on three TV channels, Donald Tusk commented. – There is a formal, serious reason why the General Prosecutor decided that Mr. Barski is not a national prosecutor. I hope the President and the Prosecutor General will clarify this, – said the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister emphasized that the time of manual control of civil servants is over. As he added, Adam does not tell Bodnar what to do and what not to do.

Adam Bodnar's decision on Dariusz Barski: Retired

As we wrote in naTematearly Interview with Donald Tusk on the biggest televisions, Adam Bodnar issued a statement in which he announced the future of Dariusz Barski.

“During the meeting with Dariusz Barski, Professor Bodnar handed him a document, which states that his reinstatement in active service is the responsibility of the previous Prosecutor General, B. Zbigniew Ziobro, was made in violation of applicable regulations and did not produce any legal effect. A provision of the law, which was no longer valid, was used,” we read.

Before that, Adam Bodnar suggested Dariusz Barsky Voluntary resignation from the post of National Prosecutor. Now, from January 15, Prosecutor General Adam Bodnar will work at the headquarters of the National Prosecutor's Office.

Let us explain that according to the regulation, prosecutors can be in two states: active or retired. active duty You must actively perform your work duties.

A retired prosecutor no longer performs any duties, but receives a salary no less 75 percent salary From the date of active service.

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