– On Monday morning, a meeting will be held in the presidential palace, where President Andrzej Duda invited the national prosecutor Dariusz Barski and his colleagues to talk about the incident, that is, the attempt to attack the independent prosecutor's office. This is a very serious crisis situation in the country, – said Minister of the Presidency Wojciech Kolarski on the air of Polsat News on Sunday.

Portal DoRzeczy.pl published about itHow the Minister of Justice tried to remove the National Prosecutor Dariusz Barski. Let us remind you that Adam Bodnar wanted to hand over the decision to Barski, in which he justified that his reinstatement on February 16, 2022 by the previous General Prosecutor Zbigniew Ziobro was carried out in violation of the current regulations and did not have legal effect. Illegal actions of Minister Bodnar were opposed by the prosecutor with 30 years of experience, Robert Hernand, who was the deputy general prosecutor for 14 years. He held this position after Andrzej Szeremety was appointed Prosecutor General under the PO-PSL government.

President Duda will meet Tusk

It will be held on Monday at 11:00 Meeting of the President and the Prime Minister. The most important topic will be the issue of war and security in Ukraine. Andrzej Duda and Donald Tusk are also scheduled to talk, including about the case of Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kamiński in prison.

– I suggested to the President to organize a meeting on national security as soon as possible. This meeting is on Monday, St. 11:00. By the way, we will talk about my planned visit to Kyiv in the next few days – the head of government said in an interview for TVP, TVN and Polsat on Friday.

“There will be no winners here”

– I think that both political circles and their voters are waiting for negotiations. A nation cannot take to the streets and decide who is right. We cannot lead to a situation where we, the citizens, have to decide for ourselves who is the national prosecutor or whether a politician should be in prison. If citizens start to decide this, it will be a very dangerous situation, said Elżbieta Jakubiak, head of the office of President Lech Kaczyński, in an interview with Wirtualna Polska. – We can say difficult things to each other, because the President will definitely say difficult things to the Prime Minister. But for now, both show they understand the political situation, he added.

– I don't want someone to come and triumphantly announce: I won. There will be no winner here, Jakubiak said. – PiS is the largest opposition in the history of Poland, it has a president with great powers. On the other hand, the government also has a strong coalition and the support of European elites, so it feels strong. Everyone should show how strong they are, but then sit down and talk, he stressed.

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Kosińak-Kamish replied to the president. “Worth Implementation”
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