but New Year message President Andrzej Duda assured that despite all the differences between him and the ruling camp, he is ready to cooperate for the security of Poland.

“As the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, I am always ready to cooperate with the government on issues related to strengthening our security,” he said.

Duda-Tusk agreement

According to Wirtualna Polska, these words were not just an empty statement. According to portal sources, the President and the Prime Minister signed an informal pact on the security and defense of Poland. Despite the many disagreements and arguments (including the method of taking over the public media or the judiciary) that have already become visible between the “big” and “small” palaces, both politicians should speak with one voice on this issue.

WP quotes a person in Andrzej Duda's entourage as saying that the two politicians may “have a heated argument about TVP and other issues, but when it comes to security, the president and the prime minister should be like one fist, and that should be the message.” Go to Russia.”

– Poland's security is the most important, therefore, of course, we want to cooperate on key issues, – said one of the members of the government.

The journalists' interlocutors say that recently the president and the prime minister speak more often than according to the official information provided by the press service of both officials. The topic of the talks was the last summit in Brussels (December 14-15) and defense issues.

The first test of the Pact's effectiveness was an incident involving a Russian missile that violated Polish airspace. President Duda spoke with the Prime Minister, the head of the Ministry of National Defense, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Radoslav Sikorski. The president's cooperation with the government is said to be displeasing to the leadership of Law and Justice, which is counting on Duda's support in the conflict with the Tusk government.

(tags translated) Duda

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