Latvia's Valdis Dombrovskis, who is the European commissioner, must convince Siekierski that the European Commission will take into account the “concerns” of Poland and other neighboring countries of Ukraine.

The new document “contains an enhanced security clause” – explained one of the officials of the European Union in an interview with RMF FM.

However, according to the Polish government, these safeguards are too weak and insufficient. “Both ministers Czeslaw Siekierski, as the Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski requested, for example, quantitative restrictions on Ukrainian sugar and poultry imports. The Polish minister should hear from Dombrowski that there will be no such restrictions in the regulation,” we read.

Farmers want restrictions

As we wrote about – The National Association of Sugar Beet Producers recently issued a complaint about excessive imports from Ukraine. He states that “duty-free and unlimited import of sugar from Ukraine has a destructive effect on the market situation.” The cultivation of sugar beet is threatened, which is why they are asking for an embargo.

The European Commission wants Poland to reach an agreement with Ukraine on its own.

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