On Monday, the head of the Ministry of Justice, Adam Bodnar, made a decision to suspend Judge Mateusz Bartoszek, President of the Court of Appeal in Poznan, and two Vice-Presidents of this Court – Judge Przemyslaw Radzik and Judge Silwia Dembska. The first mentioned vice-president was nicknamed “The Butcher” in the caste/anti-caste group and was a loyalist of Zbigniew Ziobro. “Today, the Minister of Justice submitted a reasoned request to the panel of the Poznań Court of Appeal to give an opinion on the appeal,” the Ministry of Justice explained the decision.

Further changes in the courts. Suspension of the infamous judge Radzik

As the Ministry of Justice recalled at the beginning, the president and vice-president of the court can be removed from office in case of “gross or permanent failure to fulfill official duties” or “when it is impossible to continue performing their functions in the justice system for other reasons.”

“Today, the Minister of Justice submitted a reasoned request to the panel of the Poznań Court of Appeal to give an opinion on this matter. Dismissal of the occupied position SA judge Mateusz Bartoszek The duty of the President of the Court of Appeal of Poznań and SA judges Przemyslaw Radzik and Silvia Dembska The vice-presidents of the Poznań Court of Appeal are suspended from today,” the statement said.

From MS's statement, he can also understand why Bodnar made such a decision. As mentioned, “the request of the minister in relation to Judge Mateusz Bartoszek was justified by a number of errors and improper actions committed in the performance of the function of the president, which, among others, led to the deterioration of the statistical results of the court.” led and disorganized his work with inappropriate and unsubstantiated personnel decisions, which together represent a picture of gross and permanent failure to fulfill official duties.

In turn, the Minister's request to Judge Silvia Dembska was justified by a series of inactions to take actions aimed at improving the situation in the civil and intellectual property, labor and social security departments supervised by her, which together represent. A picture of gross dereliction of duty.

Bodnari on Radzik: It is impossible to reconcile this with the goodness of justice

Judge Pzemislav Radzik gave the longest justification of the decision. As it is known, “the minister's request was justified by the fact that his function was as the vice-president of the Court of Appeal in Poznań. cannot be reconciled with the interests of the justice system“.

“In particular, it concerns SA judge Przemyslaw V. Radzik, who combines the functions of the deputy disciplinary representative of judges of the common courts and the functions of the vice-president of the Poznań Court of Appeal, Przemyław V. in the context of Radzik's previous activities as part of his functions. “, it was emphasized.

Accordingly, in the opinion of the Minister of Justice, some of the mentioned actions represent an abuse of authority.

On September 12, 2022, the transfer of Judge Marzana Piekarska-Drezek and Judge Eva Gregatis from the Criminal Division to the Labor and Social Protection Division of the Court of Appeal in Warsaw should be considered as such and at the same time their removal. 88 appeal cases, including the most serious ones, which significantly extended their duration, whose action Przemyslaw V. See on the website of the Ministry of Justice.

Radzik is a Ziobro man. He was nicknamed “The Butcher”.

We remind you that as Poznańska reported last year “Gazeta Wyborcza”When it was decided to transfer Radzik to Poznań, there was disbelief in the court. – For him it is exile, for us it is the announcement of a bloody trial – the newspaper heard from the interlocutors after that.

As “GW” pointed out, “few names evoke such emotion in the judicial community.” “Radzic became known for his zeal as a disciplinary spokesman appointed by Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro. He prosecuted judges who insulted the current government because they defended the rule of law and criticized its violations,” the newspaper wrote in its analysis.

Most importantly, Radzik, as the media found, He also belonged to a closed WhatsApp group called 'Caste/Anticaste'. Its members organized attacks on independent judges. In this “body” Radzik was supposedly called “the butcher”.

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