We will not comment on specific events in the member states of the European Union – said the spokesperson of the European Commission, Eric Mamer, at a press conference in Brussels, when asked about the arrest of PiS politicians in the presidential palace on Tuesday evening.

– As you know, we do not mean specific activities in member countries. We will not comment on this case either, he said.

He added that “on the issue of the rule of law, whether in Poland or in other countries, we publish a report on this topic every year. There is an analysis.” – Sometimes we have certain doubts regarding the current processes in certain member states. However, we are not referring to specific, individual cases, Mamer emphasized.

Shidlo: Really?

Meanwhile, former Prime Minister and PiS MEP Beata Szydlo recalls that during her party's rule, the EU regularly interfered in Poland's affairs. A spokesperson for the European Commission refused to comment on the actions of the Tusk government, stating that “we do not comment on specific events in EU countries.” “He often even tries to interfere in them,” says Shidlo.

The politician recalled how in the past the European Commission requested to change the provisions on the judicial system. “Brussels is now in shock, which of course is not surprising. The European Commission did not openly support Tusk's return to power to now worry about what Tusk is doing in Poland. Brussels wanted it and supports it,” Beata Szydlo claims.


Kaminsky and Vesik were arrested in the presidential palace. Andrzej Duda reacts

I want to assure you of one thing: I will not rest in the fight for a fair and just Polish state for ordinary citizens, as I promised during the 2015 and 2020 election campaigns. I will not rest until Mariusz Kaminski and his staff are released. I will not be afraid. I will act lawfully, in accordance with the constitution and the law, as before, the president said.

He also called for calm. – If anyone wants to use the right of assembly, he can assemble. If anyone wants to participate in the action, they can participate. But I ask that these rallies be peaceful, dignified and peaceful, he stressed.

Also read:
“It can be effective.” Does the president have another solution regarding the PiS MPs?

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