The first goal in this match was scored in the sixth minute. Antoine Griezmann separated the ball from the center from the corner of the field. Mario Hermoso had the best game in the penalty area, who beat Kepa Arrizabalaga with his head. The Royals equalized less than a quarter of an hour later. The goal was scored again with a pass from the corner. This time, Luka Modric added the ball, and Antonio Rudiger scored with an effective header.

1. 7-0! A great match by the Polish player

A lot was happening on the field and the match was of a very high level. Carlo Ancelotti's team took the lead in the 29th minute of the game. Dani Carvajal played directly in the penalty area. There the play was cut by Ferlan Mendy. His strike completely baffled Jan Oblak. It took eight minutes for the Rojiblancos to respond. This time Griezmann looked brilliant and sent the ball into the net with an impressive shot.

It should be noted that this was his 174th goal in the shirt of Atlético. With this, he became the club's all-time top scorer. We did not see a goal until the end of the first half. At the break, the players left with the score 2-2.

Coach Simeone's players scored the first goal after the change and the score became 3-2. However, Samuel Lino shot wide. Later, it was not convenient to score for some time. The breakthrough happened in the 78th minute of the match. After a ball sent from the left wing, Kepa and Alvaro Morata went. The goalkeeper of “Real” made a very unfortunate intervention – he hit the ball so that it hit Rudiger and then entered the net.

However, the “royals” equalized again. In the 85th minute of the match, after some confusion in front of Oblak's goal (Vinicius Junior and Jude Bellingham were shooting, their shots were blocked by the goalkeeper and defenders), Carvajal received the ball. The Spaniard fired a powerful shot, as a result of which the ball entered the net.

At the end of the match, Real Madrid was closer to tipping the scales in their favor. Brahim Diaz was one step away from scoring in extra time. Ultimately, it became clear that overtime would be required. Real finally struck a decisive blow. In the 116th minute of the game, Stefan Savic accidentally hit the ball to the center of Carvajal. The football flew over Oblak and entered the goal. Later, Atlético put everything on one card and started attacking. Oblak even gave up a goal to help his teammates. This was followed by a counter attack and a goal by Brahim Dias 5:3. This was the last chord of this match. Real won and will play the winner of the Barcelona-Osasuna match for the Spanish Super Cup.

Real – Atletico match summary:

Real Madrid – Atletico 5:3 p (2:2)

goals: Rudiger 20, Mendy 29, Carvajal 85, Savic 116 (solo), Diaz 120+2 – Hermoso 6, Griezmann 37, Rudiger 78 (solo)

mtu, Polsat Sport

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