According to Google The Polish zloty started the new year with a huge crash. On Monday evening, the euro was worth PLN 5.40, the dollar was PLN 4.83, and the Swiss franc was PLN 5.80. The Polish currency was not so weak even after the start of the war in Ukraine. Minister of Finance Andrzej Domanski commented on this issue. “Relax. This zloty rate that is causing panic is 'fake' (data source error). Markets in Asia will open soon and the situation will return to normal,” the politician wrote on the X website on Monday evening.

On Tuesday The Ministry of Finance has officially appealed to Google Polska to provide information on the reasons for Monday's false publication regarding the zloty exchange rate and what actions it will take to prevent similar situations in the future.

This situation became an opportunity for “Gazeta Wyborcza” to discuss the introduction of the euro currency in Poland. “During this term of office of the Seimas, there is no chance to adopt the euro, but the government can start work and consultations on the adoption of the currency,” reads the text of Ireneusz Sudak on the website “If we had the euro, no one would have paid attention to the derailment of the exchange rate by Google. The dollar and the euro could not have strengthened to PLN 5 overnight, and the finance minister would not have had to explain that it was better to check. Exchange rates on financial websites, not search engines,” Sudak asserts.

Poland “surrounded”

The author draws attention to the statement of the President of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, who said in his New Year's speech that “after many years, concrete steps must be taken that will lead to the fulfillment of the obligation of the Czech Republic to adopt the euro.” A common currency is the logical future.”

“If the Czech Republic adopts the euro, Poland will be surrounded by EU countries that are in the eurozone. Slovakia adopted the common currency in 2009. Estonia has had the euro since 2010, Latvia since 2014 and Lithuania since 2015.” – describes

“For the previous government, the Eurozone was a symbol aimed at opposing and demonstrating the enemy. The euro was a handy tool to intimidate the Poles and make Poland look like a besieged fortress, with the government and the Polish National Bank as the last defenders. But now the risk of Russian aggression is increasing (military analysts and politicians warn that Russia will not stop in Ukraine) and the Eurozone may or may not be an argument to protect Poland from Russian aggression,” Sudak claims.

The author points out that having one's own currency has its advantages, but it would be good to at least start a discussion on adopting the euro.

Also read:
To accept the euro? ZANDBERG: It's not true that economists agree

(Translate Tags) Currency Euro

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