It entered into force on January 1, 2024 Auxiliary Benefits Act Intended for persons with disabilities over the age of 18. To receive this benefit, you must first receive a decision from the Provincial Disability Assessment Panel (WZON) to determine the level of support you need, which is set between 70 and 100 points.

Only after the WZON's decision is made, a disabled person will be able to apply to ZUS for payment of benefits.

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Auxiliary provision. When should I apply?

When it will be possible to submit an application for support allowance to ZUS, it will depend on the number of points included in the WZON decision and whether the guardian of a disabled person is entitled to other benefits.

The support allowance will be introduced in three stages. People with 87-100 points can apply from 2024, with 78-86 points – from 2025, and people with 70-77 points – from 2026.

The situation is different for people who have at least 70 points, as they will be able to receive support allowance from 2024, provided that after 31 December 2023 the guardians of these people are eligible. maintenance servicesSpecial care allowance or carer's allowance paid by the commune authority.

How much is the support benefit?

The benefit of the support will be from 40 to 220 percent. Current amount of social pension (currently PLN 1588.44). This means that the amounts at the beginning range from about PLN 635 to almost PLN 3,495, depending on the level of support needed:

  • 95-100 points – 220 percent social pension (currently 3495 PLN),
  • 90-94 points – 180 percent social pension (2859 PLN),
  • 85-89 points – 120 percent social pension (1906 PLN),
  • 80-84 points – 80 percent social pension (1270 PLN),
  • 75-79 points – 60 percent social pension (PLN 953),
  • 70-74 points – 40 percent social pension (635 PLN).

People who have the status of a disabled person can apply for the support benefit in the form of confirmation: disability certificate and its degree issued by the disability assessment groups; Decision on inability to work or inability to live independently, decision issued by ZUS doctors; Disability certificate issued by the Disability and Employment Medical Commissions before September 1997.

WZON issues a decision that determines the level of need for support for the same period for which the person has a disability certificate, but not more than 7 years.

After the decision of WZON, the authorized person must submit an application for payment of benefits to ZUS. This will be possible only electronically: through the ZUS electronic services platform (PUE), Emp@tia portal or electronic banking.

An application to ZUS can also be submitted by a lawyer.

An application for a support allowance does not require a decision issued by WZON. ZUS will receive all the data contained in it from the National Electronic Disability Assessment Monitoring System (EKSMoN). This system is managed by the Ministry of Family and Social Policy.

ZUS will pay the support benefits by transfer to the Polish bank account number provided by the disabled person in the application. He will receive them along with other benefits, for example, a social pension or 500 plus for dependents. The maintenance allowance will be payable regardless of income, is exempt from income tax and cannot be seized by the executor.

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