The National Real Estate Resource is a state institution that was established in 2017, that is, during the time of the Government of Georgia. law and justice. It was supposed to help the government program flat pluswhich failed. Louder than the successes, however, were working conditions in KZN.

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The KZN governing council has been sacked

The activities carried out so far raised great doubts in the new government. This was clearly stated by the Minister of Finance and Regional Policy.

Since 2018, the salary has increased four times. Instead of thousands of flats, one completed block, allegations of mobbing and abuse of power by former KZN management. As of today, it has a new governing board whose mission is to transform the National Misdemeanor Resource into a National Real Estate Resource. – Katarzyna Pelochinska-Nalec wrote.

However, there is no update on the institution's website at this time. The composition of the old governing board still remains on it.

KZN was established 6.5 years ago and the Social Housing Initiatives (SIM) program was launched three years ago. His goal was to build as many apartments as possible for young Polish families who have no creditworthiness, but they can rent the apartment in the final ownership. According to the information of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, During SIM's operation, one building with 40 apartments was built.

“Indecent behavior in KZN”

He made this connection An open letter from KZN staffWHO They accused President Arkadiusz Urban of “morally dubious situations” as well as “a number of legal crimes.”

Arkadyush Urbani forces employees of the State Procurement Department to act in a way that does not comply with public finance discipline when ordering goods and services. with friendly companies and partners. Over the past 18 months, KZN has made a record number of deviations from public procurement regulations, they write in the letter, quoted on the portal

The authors of the letter also stated that the president of the company was found in intimate situations during working hours. Beloved employees should receive gifts and offers to go out with their loved ones restaurantfor concerts or vernissages.

There are shocking things in this letter. I met yesterday. This is an absolutely shocking thing, (…) Allegations of gross misconduct by the board of directors and grossly indecent situations in the office, (…) on the use of the official position on the violence and challenge of absolutely unacceptable behavior. Today I will forward this letter to the Prosecutor General for further appropriate action, said Katarzyna Pelczynska-Nalec.

Earlier, in response to reports of mobbing and border crossing, the Ministry of Funds informed reporters that it had issued an inspection of the facility in March. It was supposed to end on June 30. But The new head of the FiPR Ministry claims that the previous government did nothing about the letterAlthough the minister and the deputy minister knew each other well.

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