Exchange rate at 07.20 on 5/01/2024:

  • USD 1 USD exchange rate: 3.97705;
  • course Swiss Franc 1 CHF: 4.67442;
  • Euro exchange rate 1 euro: 4.34660;
  • Exchange rate of pound sterling 1 GBP: 5.03873;
  • Russian ruble exchange rate for 1 ruble: 0.0434728;
  • Exchange rate of hryvnia (Ukraine) 1 UAH: 0.1046;
  • Exchange rate of Czech crown to 1 CZK: 0.176151;
  • Exchange rate of Swedish Krona 1 SEK: 0.388954.

Confusion about exchange rates. Google error

The new year started with confusion surrounding the Polish currency. PLN quotes According to charts published by Google, they broke the threshold of PLN 5. The rate visible on the Google chart had been rising since around 5:40 p.m., and a few minutes after 8 p.m., the website showed a price of 5.06 PLN to one euro. This immediately caused confusion and doubts among many Internet users. However, experts quickly clarified that this was an error in the data source that Google relies on.

At the time, stock exchange industry websites, like Bloomberg for example, showed the correct EUR/PLN exchange rate – around PLN 4.34-4.346.

At least two sources showing exchange rates were available after midnight (ie Tuesday). service The euro rate showed 5.88 PLN, Bloomberg – 4.34 PLN. started showing the same value. In the case of the dollar, all three sources showed a similar value – PLN 3.94. And in the case of the Swiss franc, showed PLN 6.37, and the other two websites – PLN 4.37.

The entry of the Minister of Finance caused a wave of comments. “Correct and quick reaction, this is how the state should work, bravo!” – added Grzegorz Gruchalski from the Warsaw Local Self-Government Forum. Others saw a “second meaning” in the post of the Minister of Finance – but without providing evidence for their theses.

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