In 2019, US federal prosecutors charged Jeffrey Epstein with trafficking and sexual harassment of underage girls. The trial in this case was supposed to start in June 2020, but it did not take place. business man In August 2019, he died under mysterious circumstances, allegedly hanging himself in his cell. The man allegedly offered the young girls to his influential friends.

A list of celebrities linked to the Jeffrey Epstein case has been revealed

He was one of her good friends Prince Andrew, the son of Queen Elizabeth II, and neither king of Great Britain. Aristocrat has consistently denied taking advantage of the above-mentioned “offers”.

On January 3, a federal court released hundreds of pages of documents in the case of Jeffrey Epstein and his partner Ghislaine Maxwell. listed People who were connected to the fortune of billionaire Prince Andrew is among them. According to Johanna Sjoberg's testimony, she allegedly put her hand on her chest when they took a group photo with Virginia Giuffre, Jaffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Another woman accuses him of forcing her to have sex when she was underage. He is accused of similar acts Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz.

The list also includes American politicians, including: Bill Richardson and Donald Trump.

French is also depicted there Owner of Jean-Luc Brunel modeling agencywho, according to the testimony, invited the girls to the Epstein estate.

Interestingly, she was also spotted at the billionaire's home in Palm Beach Michael Jackson, but there are no accusations. how Bill Clintonwho also hosted Epstein.

As we read, they were also on the list Naomi CampbellIllusionist David Copperfield and a famous physicist Stephen Hawking. The latter was allegedly involved in illegal activities related to the group exploitation of minors.

Further details related to this investigation are expected to be released soon.

The Epstein case. What did the billionaire do?

The billionaire, who is currently causing problems for many celebrities, hanged himself in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York in August 2019. He made his first suicide attempt at the end of July. He was later found nearly unconscious with a mark on his neck. He was then transferred to a cell under special surveillance.

The Epstein case is very well known in the United States. Many women claim that they were his “sex slaves”. The billionaire's partner, Ghislaine Maxwell, in turn, allegedly “rented” them to many members of Epstein's inner circle. Close friends of the financier were: Bill Gates, Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew – the brother of the current king of Great Britain.

Epstein's contacts also included Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker. Film director Woody Allen was rumored to have been a guest at the billionaire's New York residence at least once. According to investigative journalist Vicky Ward, who was involved in uncovering the multimillionaire's criminal activities, the list is much longer. So far, no one – except for Ghislaine Maxwell, whose trial ended in conviction – has been charged.

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