The Ministry of Education is planning under the leadership of Barbara Novacka Reducing religious hours in schools and hold them only in the first or last school schedule. Archbishop Marek Jedraszewski spoke about the issue during the Epiphany procession, which took place on Saturday in Krakow's main market square.

The Tusk government wants religion classes to be placed only at the beginning or end of the school timetable

– Why should these lessons be at the beginning or end as if they are inferior to other lessons, even though they teach the most basic thing? – asked the hierarch. He referred to, among others: his personal experience as a student when religious classes were removed from schools during the Polish People's Republic.

– Children and young people are deprived of the opportunity to learn from the Lord Jesus, what is love, what is kindness, what is self-sacrifice, what is our humanity in the deep core of this humanity. Today we are trying to do the same – to extinguish the light of Christ in the hearts and minds of children and young people. Bring them to the land of darkness and darkness, you deprive them of the opportunity to understand what is the meaning of our humanity, what we strive for, what we should be – said the priest.

He also recalled the words of John Paul II, spoken after the fall of communism in Poland. “The postulate of ideological neutrality is correct mainly in that the state must protect the freedom of conscience and religion of all its citizens, regardless of what religion or worldview they teach. “State life in any form” is a postulate of the atheization of state and social life and has little to do with worldview neutrality,” said the Holy Father on June 3, 1991 in Lubachov.

Archbishop Jedraszewski: Once again, with great concern, we must ask the question: Whose Poland is?

– 35 years after the beginning of political changes, we must again ask with great concern the question: “Whose Poland is it?” Or the Polish nation, which from the beginning created the Christian dimensions of its life and which has Christian roots and cannot understand itself without Christianity? Is the owner of Poland some leftist or even a leftist social engineer? – said the Metropolitan of Krakow.

– Today, on the feast of the Epiphany, when we meet so perfectly in the main square of Krakow, when we symbolically honor the child Jesus, who came out of love for us to teach us love; Today, in this beautiful community of families – parents, children, young people – we can have and give only one answer – Poland belongs to God, who constantly shows us his love. Poland is God's property, and we want to constantly aspire to it – to the source of love and light – Reverend Jedraszewski emphasized.

Also read:
Where should religion classes be held? Poles responded to the survey

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